Atlantis Tide Breaker Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

“I like your shirt.” Sky touched the fringe hanging off my top.

“Thanks. I like your outfit, too.” I snapped my fingers in front of my face. “It’s got a flash of fresh.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Much better than those mall showcase girls.” I glared across the cafeteria at Ashtyn. Her outfits were always meant to attract attention from the guys. “Lots of girls go Jonesing for that look, but I don’t like all the uniformity or the major make-up. Way too much effort for school.” Especially when you had to swim laps afterwards.

Sky stared at the empty spot in front of her with a glazed-over expression. Had I gone overboard on the fashion report?

“We should exchange numbers.” I pulled out my cell phone.

“I don’t have a cell.” Her green gaze pinned me down, challenging me not to ask questions.

What teen doesn’t have a cell? All parents bought their kids one even if they thought it was all about the security.

Sky still stared at me. The chatter all around us emphasized our silence. I had to save this awkward conversation.

“Going gadgetless. Very Boho chic.”

“Grounded.” She ground the word out. “No cell phone or computer.”

“Bummerita.” That explains the no phone. She must’ve done something major. “For how long?”

She lifted her shoulders and let them drop. The motion appeared like practiced carelessness. “Don’t know.”

“What did you do?”

Ashtyn flounced over to our table, her brown curls bouncing. “You must be the new girl, Scylla.”

“Sky.” Her hard-edged tone should’ve cut Ashtyn’s confidence, but it didn’t.

“I’m Ashtyn. Since you’re new, I’ll give you some advice.” She beamed a fake-welcoming smile like a cheerleader who didn’t care if the team won or lost as long as she received attention. “Tori might appear totally together, but she’s not. Her best friend dropped out of school and she won’t tell us why.”

Ashtyn’s smirk dug deep into my gut reminding me of the unpopular girl I used to be. Reminding me I had a rep to uphold. “You’re just diggin’ for deets. Well, there’s no gossip-worthy drama here.”

I wanted to wipe the snarky smile off her face, but I couldn’t explain the reason for Maris’s absence. I had other friends. Okay, acquaintances mostly. People I talked to in the hall, danced with at parties. Not friends I could count on. Not people who knew the real me.

Pushing my trembling lips together, I fought for control. I couldn’t let Ashtyn’s remarks hurt. Maybe with Maris gone it was time to open myself to other people.

“What’re you trying to do, Tori? Collect all the new kids trying to make them your friends?” Her sickly-sweet tone didn’t fool me. She wasn’t through insulting me all while wearing a smile. “Who was that gorge guy by your locker this morning?”

“What guy?” Play dumb. It was something I was good at.

Gill hadn’t enrolled in school and he didn’t want everyone to know what he was doing. He’d tried to blend in this morning. Guess that didn’t work.

“The ginger. He had that charming Prince Harry look going on. Attractive, but fun-loving.”

“Gill.” Sky gave up his name like a wimpy spy. She didn’t know I was trying to protect his identity.

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