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Newt and Gally carried the passed out girl to one of the huts they made out of twigs and sticks. the rest of the boys continued their work in the glade. while Stiles followed Gally and Newt into the hut. "no, but really, Stiles. how do you know the girl?" Gally said annoyed. and Stiles responded,"I don't know her, Gally, okay? it's like something forced me to say that name, Lydia. I don't even know if that's her actual name." Newt looked weirdly at Stiles but didn't say anything back to him.

that night Stiles fell asleep in his hammock. he fell asleep after hours of thinking about the girl who was currently passed out. he fell asleep and even dreamed of her. in his dream it looked like Stiles was working at a facility. he saw the girl with the strawberry blonde hair in front of him. the dream ended blurry but he saw an old woman that said to him,"wicked is good." and then he woke up and started to hyperventilate. he noticed that it was already morning but Stiles was still tired from the little sleep he had gotten the night before. all of the other boys in the glade were still asleep, so Stiles lay awake in his hammock. he thought about his dream. he thought about the strawberry blonde haired girl in his dream and how he was convinced it was the same girl he called Lydia. and he thought about the lady who said to him wicked is good. The lady who said it looked very familiar to him but he didn't know where exactly he had seen her since his memories were stripped from his brain. the people that took his memory only let him keep his name. that's how all of the boys came into the glade. in the glade, it was only boys until the only girl came, the strawberry blonde haired girl that had arrived just yesterday. Stiles thought to himself no one would care if I visited her. Stiles got up off of his hammock and walked slowly and carefully so he wouldn't wake anyone up and then he walked over to the hut where Lydia was apparently still passed out from her box experience maybe the girl he called Lydia was awake by now?

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