Baby boy

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Tris POV
I holding Tobias hand as I push harder. The doctor tells me I'm almost there. It really painful it feels like 36 of bones crushing all at once. But each time I look at Tobias a feel like he gives me so much energy just by looking at him.
1 hour later ( Spongebob squarepants voice)
I hold in my arms my beautiful baby boy. We don't have a name yet so it's just baby Eaton. Tobias looks at me and kisses my forehead. He looks at the baby and whispers "he's beautiful just like his mommy".
I smile and so does he.
There's a knock at the door and the gang pop there head in. I motion them to come in. They all aww over baby Eaton.  I just smile. Then I feel a small hand pat my leg it's Rose. Toby pulls her up on to my lap. She looks at her baby brother and smiles. She asks to holder him and I let her. She kisses his forehead and whispers something in his ear which I just about manage to hear. " I love you and alway will" this melts my heart.

Soon everyone leaves Rose is going to Christina's and Uriah's for the night.  Did I mention that those to are together now. Well they are and they are very happy.
This is a short chapter sorry. I need some names so comment what you think the baby boy should be called. Thanks 👍🏻😋😊

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