Chapter 3 Nightmire

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Tobias POV
I wake up to uTris thrashing in bed and she's saying something " Don't hurt her she's only young!" "Tris wake up it just a dream it's not real!" She jolts up in bed and cries into my shoulder. I hug here and tell her everything's going to be alright and no one is going to touch Rose. After that I check what time it is its only 4 in the morning." Hay tris do you want to talk about your dream or go back to sleep?" "Is it okay if I talk to you about what happened while I was there and what the dream was about?" "Of course you can." I say so she starts " It was right after I woke up from my coma they had told you that I was dead but they just injected with a serum that mad me cold and look as if I was dead. Mao after I woke they took me to a room were they said I would be staying there and they told me I was pregnant. The next couple of weeks went by and I had been through simulations but not really bad until I had Rose then things got worse I would go be put under simulations that were worse than what we would have in dauntless. I was then beat and whipped if I manipulated the simulation or defeat it in any way. When Rose was about 2 they told me that they would not touch her until she was 5 which scared me to death because I never want anything to happen to her no matter what age she. Wether she's 50 and I'm gone I just want her to live her life without being torched. So that is manly what happened while I was there until you came to my rescue witch I am thankful for." "You are so brave you know that I have never known some one to go through something as bad as that and I promise you that no one is going to touch our daughter okay?" " okay." After we talked we decided to go back to sleep as it was only half 4 in the morning. As we go back to sleep she is wrapped in my arms and her breathing settles darkness soon takes over me..... Hope you enjoyed ✌🏼️

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