Chapter 4 The News

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Tobias POV
I wake up with my arms securely around tris' waist. I stir at her and then out of know where "Tobias it's not nice to stare" " HOLY COW! Tris I didn't even know you were awake!" " I know that why I scared you" I look in to her stormy blue and grey eyes, she look into my eyes and we just stay like that until I lean in and kiss her it is not a rough kiss or a sloppy kiss it's filled with passion and love and it's smooth. She pulls away and says " As much as I enjoyed that i need to go check on Rose" "okay" with that me and tris go and check on Rose. ( just so you know when she had the nightmare I forgot to say that they put Rose in her on room .)   hen we go in to check on Rose she is already awake she sees us and runs and gives Tris a hug and then me but when I hug her she whispers in my ear " I'm so glad to have a daddy like you and you make my mummy happy so thank you." " I'm so glad to have your mummy back in my life and I am overly excited to have you as my daughter and I love you very much even if we only met each other yesterday so thank you." I put her down and we all walk into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide to make: chocolate pancakes with syrup and a class of orange juice to go with it.There faces light up when they see what I did them for them, they look like they have never been fed before. After we  have eaten we go in to the living room and put the TV on. We sit down on the couch and the news comes on and tris' and rose's face are on the screen. We listen to what they have to say " Tonight on Factions news, Tris Prior the daughter the deceased Andrew and Natile Prior, has unexpectedly is now not a flash in our past. She was seen and recorded killing Matthew, a lead scientist from the bureau. She was also caught killing over several guards, with a look a like spear. After  these tragic deaths, she is now wanted, and now David, the leader of the bureau, has now decided to give Miss Prior a death sentence. The person who shall bring Miss Prior to the Bureau for her death will be strongly rewarded, in extreme amounts of points." I look over to Tris and she look at me and says "Keep Rose safe and tell her i lover her and i love you too Tobias and i hope you know that!" " NO Tris you are not leaving me again okay i don't care if they come after me for taking you I LOVE YOU Tris and there is nothing anyone can do about my love for you okay so we will make a plan to leave Chicago and go to a different city and live a new life there and make more children. Just promise me this one thing you will not go during the night i do not want to have to go back to that place okay! If you wont do it for me do it for Rose, Tris she need her mother not just a father." She look at me and just nods "Promise me Tris!" " I Promise you Tobias okay and this time I mean it!" i give her a hug i hold on tight as i can and then give her a passionate kiss our lips move together in a rhythm. We pull back when we here a little voice " Daddy why you and Mommy eating each others face ?" this makes me and Tris laugh.

Time laps 

Me and Tris later on that night when we put Rose to bed we end up having a heated make out session and it leads to something else.

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