Chapter 4

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Nico stood outside the castle doors rigidly, watching as the boy with a mess of blond hair disappeared into the forest. He stood outside in the cold for a bit longer before he turned around and headed back inside, trying to sort out the whirlwind of thoughts in his head.

Will had said that they were friends. Nico had a friend. One that he made all by himself, without the help of Reyna, or Jason, or even his younger sister Hazel. Nico felt giddy, his face starting to hurt from grinning for so long. He just couldn't believe that something so wonderful was happening to him and right after his day had started out so rotten too.

He recalled being rudely woken up by one of the servants. He may be a prince but he is not a morning person in the slightest. The servant, while trying to avoid the tirade of pillows that was being launched at him, informed Nico that his father had wished to see him. That had certainly caused Nico to pause in his pillow throwing. His father had never requested to see him unless it was to prepare for a special meeting or ball. They never had any balls anymore, since King Hades had never wished to celebrate anything after Bianca's death, and as far as Nico knew, there was no political issue that would require any meetings. He had dismissed the servant, before getting dressed and hurrying to the throne room to see what his father wanted to discuss. And discuss they did. When Nico heard his father's idea he was shocked and horrified. He tried to convince him otherwise but as time wore on, with his father continuing to refuse changing his mind, Nico's shock turned to anger. It ignited a yelling match between the two until Nico had finally had enough and stormed out, saddling his horse and riding out into the forest.

Thinking about his father's decision still made his blood boil to the point where he punched the castle wall. That ended up hurting a lot so Nico resolved not to do it again and headed back to his room. After everything that happened today, he figured it would be best to just relax in his bed and read. Definitely not going to think about it anymore. Nope.

"Your highness! A moment please!"

Nico stopped walking and turned around, greeted with the sight of the nurse from the infirmary running towards him, a file folder in hand. He stopped in front of the prince before handing him the folder with a neutral expression.

"That town boy's medical report." He explained. "Dr. Krumwell said to give this to you in case you were interested." Nico nodded and took the folder, opening to look through the doctor's notes. He was quite surprised to find that the notes had been written on just a scratch piece of paper instead of an actual medical form but then again, judging from the way that Will had said the doctor was acting, Nico shouldn't have been so surprised. He sighed and read through it.

William Solace
Male, 16
Height: 5'8
Weight: 128 lbs; slightly underweight

Injuries: Significant trauma to the back of the head. Patient also shows signs of unconsciousness for a substantial period of time.

Other injuries include gashes on the palms, most likely caused from a sharp object(s) slicing the skin open.

Nico frowned at it. Will had said he had fallen out of a tree right? He had never fallen out of one himself but he didn't think the injuries would be that bad. Unconscious? Well, maybe he had hit his head on a rock when he fell. The sliced palms could probably be from the bark, but something didn't add up. Will was acting suspicious earlier too, now that Nico thought about it. Why would he even be so deep in the woods anyways?

He frowned and folded the medical report and took it to his room, keeping it somewhere safe. If-no when, he saw Will again, he would get to the bottom of it. His thoughts strayed to that of what else they would do if they met again and Nico found himself smiling. Will was his first friend that he had made all by himself without higher influences forcing them together. The first friend that he had made because they had purely liked Nico for himself.

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