"Yeah why not?"

  "Niggas will rob you girl or not." I smiled at him shaking my head.

       "Nigga you not the only one packing." I told him lifting up my hoodie.

       "Oh shit Khamille a hitta. Yo let me see that, shit nice."

     "I know." He opened the door for me. I replied thanks and walked out.

"Which store?"

"We could go to the one down here im not doing a bunch a walking."

"Don't be walking at night it ain't safe."

"Well damn if I can't walk in my own block then where ima go?" He ain't say nothing. I know he tryna help me out but I gotta leave the house some time I can't live my life in fear.

"Listen as much as I wish it wasn't as crazy out here I ain't hiding from nobody."

Breezy phone started ringing so he picked up. I tried not to listen on his conversation cus I hate when mfs do that to me.

"Yeah aight." He said hanging up.

"One of your hoes?"

"Naw my nigga Drose." He told me.

   Drose? I know two of em. They both used to cool with my brother. Maybe Breezy might now him.

"My brother used to hang with a Drose. You know him?"

"Who yo brother?"


"Jahki? What set?"

"300. He used to be with Durk, Reese,Sd, and Your friend Swirl."

"Ohh. Yeah I knew Jah that was big homie. Damn I ain't no that was your brother."

"Cus he tried to protect me and Dasani from his lifestyle."

"So Kamari your sister too?"

"Yeah you know her?"

"Yeah she used to be on the block with Key and Erika they some wild mfs."

      "Not no more she in mommy mode now."

       "You don't seem like the wild type like your sister."

    "Nah I'm real chill, but I lose it when it's time to." We reached the store and he told me he was gonna stay outside.

      I went straight in and grabbed some pads, tampons, and toothpaste. I put everything on the counter and waited for my total. The cashier told me my total and I gave him the exact amount grabbing my bag.

     I came out and Breezy was waiting for me leaning against the door texting.

    "Thanks for walking me." I started walking and Breezy was walking behind me all slow.

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