Jangelo: One Shot 1

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  • Dedicated to Michaelangelo <3

Hello everyone, so this is a tribute to my boyfriend. The following story was something he wrote me as a birthday present, and it is completely and totally unedited. I refuse to touch the work in any proofreading sense, because it is his, and it is a tribute, not something I care if it gets votes or comments or not (they are still nice though :)) 

SO BACKSTORY! Also if you didnt know my name is Jon. Hello :3. So at the time, I was in a play, my first lead role in a musical and it was a big deal for me, and Angelo (my boyfriend) wanted to be there so bad for me, except we were long distance (Don't comment or trash long distance relationships in this comments, they will be deleted without mercy because as much as you may want to argue, we were real. It wasn't some stupid catfish thing. It was love.) so he couldn't be because, although originally he planned to drive out here and see the show and spend my birthday with me, which is also valentines day, he couldn't because of coflicts with his family that prevented this. Anyways so I was in a show, and we hadn't met yet in person, so he wrote this for me to cheer me up as well as a birthday present. Also he is originally from italy and his first language is italian , so the part near the end where it says something in italian i believe it means "i promised kitten". I hope you all enjoy, and check out the other authors note at the bottom for info on a possible new book I may write. 

R.I.P Michaelangelo Vitto Arilieus, My love, my boyfriend, and my bestfriend.


your Gattino <3 (Kitten) 

And so it was…..

After nearly 20 hours of driving Angelo pulled into the packed high school parking lot. With barely 6 minutes before he needs to be inside he pulls into the nearest parking spot. Looking at the dozen red roses in the seat beside him Angelo sighs and loosens his shoulders.

Finally as his nerves calm he steps out of the car roses in hand and walks through the door to the auditorium of the school.

“Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for being here tonight let the show begin!!!!!” The woman steps off the stage as Angelo sits down in the darkened back and the curtains open.

Angelo watches his love move across the stage playing his part to a tee.

Once the production ends Angelo makes his way to the auditorium with the rest of the audience and keeps an eye out for Jon. Spotting him from across the way he freezes not wanting to be spotted yet himself.

His stomach filled with frantic butterflies and his heart running a marathon Angelo walks slowly through the crowd towards Jon’s back the red roses clutched tightly in his hand.

Reaching Jon’s back Angelo takes a shuddering nervous breath and contemplates tapping him on the shoulder or just wrapping his arms around him. After 3 unnerving seconds Angelo decides for the hug and wraps his arms around Jon interrupting his conversation.

“Ho Promesso Gattino….” Angelo whispers in Jon’s ear causing him to gasp in surprise and turn to face Angelo.

“ANGELO!!!!!!” Jon wraps his own arms around Angelo crushing the poor flowers between them before they can be rescued.

“I promised so here I am…. Not exactly when I wanted to be here, but I wanted to be here none the less, my love.” Angelo presents the now weeping flowers to Jon and smiles sheepishly.

“OHMIGOD ANGELO!” Jon squeals and pulls them to his face inhaling deeply….

Leaning down Angelo places a small kiss on Jon’s forehead and smiles a braver  smile.

“For you…”

Just reading this again has me tearing up... :/ So this new book idea is if anything me writing out what our relationship was gonna be, because yes we were one of those couples who talked about a family and named our children after 4 months. We talked about a future together, and maybe I will write something like that. Feel free to ask me questions about my relationship with him if you want to, and as always send me prompts for one shots! :3 They can be one direction fan fiction (possibly smut! i don't know my stance on writing smut yet), original characters (I would really really really REALLY prefer to write boyxboy, but I could try my hand at het stories :/) or even another Jangelo one shot (Credit to the shipping name goes to my friends Mickey and Rachel :3) I hope you all enjoyed this little thing :) I love you all!

Stay delicous, 

MrMuffins <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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