Niam hunger games 1

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Hello loves! so this first one shot and the next 3 are going to be one shots I wrote for @jalex1214 for the one direction slash hunger games! I decided to publish them so ya! Hope you enjoy <3


*Liam’s POV*

This is it. I am going to do it. I was sitting across from Niall in a 5 star restaurant in Chicago, known for famous people coming here to eat on dates. So naturally, Niall and I got weird looks. This is for us though. I need to do this for Niall. We have been dating for a year now, and tonight is our anniversary. Niall deserves the best so I have a huge night planned for him.

I looked into Niall’s gorgeous crystal eyes, never breaking our gaze. I held his hand across the table, stroking his palm with my thumb. He was smiling contently at me, head resting in his other hand, his arm propped up on the table.

Why I am doing this. He is going to freak out. He is going to scream and cause a scene. Do I want this? Do I want to see my best mate, my band member, my boyfri... In a little bit I won't be able to call him that anymore...

Sighing, I released his hand, and stood up from the table. I looked at Niall one last time, examining his shocked and scared face. I looked away from his gaze, and ran from the restaurant.

*Niall’s POV*

I watched as Liam stood and walked away, feeling panic rise up in my gut, making me feel sick. I wanted to scream out, call to him, beg him to come back, promise him anything.  But I was too in shock to do anything. I simply stood there for what felt like ever, but in reality was probably 2 minutes, staring mouth gaping at some old couple who was shuffling uncomfortably under my expression.

As soon as came out of shock, I threw money onto the table for the waiter, and ran out of the restaurant after my boyfriend. Hopefully I can still call him that after I find him.


I looked down and saw that a gorgeous orange rose was stepped on... I looked around for Liam, hoping to see him. Instead I saw a note attached to the rose, and it Liam's fancy cursive writing.

His fancy cursive handwriting spelling out “Niall”. I scrambled to the ground, grabbing the note and opening it.


   Follow the roses..


I looked down and saw little petals of white roses. I started walking down the street, utterly confused and scared. I faintly heart the soft strumming of a guitar. I then heard it. The most angelic voice I have ever heard.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

but bear this mind it was meant to be

and i'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

and it all makes sense to me

i know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

you've never loved your stomach or your thighs

the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But i'll love them endlessly

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth

But if i do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to

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