Now, I only had to delete that video from his phone. Which wouldn't be that hard, right? Yeah, not hard at all.

I was standing in front of my locker with Brooke and Megan. Finally! I finally managed to get them under the same roof without ripping each other's skin.

I convinced them (more like begged) to be civil with each other. And they were doing remarkably well. Well, well for them anyway.

I told them to compliment each other's outfit. Not together of course. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of something that dangerous.

"Your skirt looks cute!" Megan said to Brooke.

Brooke looked really pleased. I gave Megan an appreciative look. She smiled at me.

"Really? Thanks. I got this yesterd-"

I coughed, signaling Brooke that it was her turn.

She looked at me and then gave a nod in understanding.

"Well, your..." She looked her up and down like she was searching for something to say good things about.

I mentally face palmed myself. That's not that difficult Brooke.

Then her eyes lit up. "Your glasses are pretty cool!" she said at last. Megan's red-rimmed glasses were pretty cool but couldn't she have found something else to compliment her about.

God, this girl.

Megan rolled her eyes.

"Broo-" I started as I saw a freshman girl walk up to where Asher was leaning against his locker down the hall. Some people were standing around him, talking and laughing. She looked very nervous. Her face was all red and she looked like she might throw up.

The people around Asher stopped talking as she approached them.

She stood in front of him and fiddled with the strap of her bag nervously.

"What's with her?" Megan said.

"No idea," Brooke answered.

I smiled. We were getting somewhere. This was a start of a lifelong friendship.

Asher looked down at her and she said something so low that no one could hear. And the hall had pin drop silence.

Asher straightened up.

The girl took out an envelope from her bag and gave it to him.

He took it rather uncomfortably.

What is it? A love letter? I thought.

"People still write that?" Megan asked mockingly.

I didn't think. I said it out loud.

"I didn't know," I said agreeing with her.

After giving the letter the girl ran away. I saw at the other end her friends were waiting for her. The girl actually looked happy.

"You won't understand. Things love makes you do," Brooke said dreamily. Brooke's fangirl mode on.

She was never this dreamy about her relationship. She was quite practical about her relationship with her boyfriend but when it came to pop stars or celebrities she tended to get all gooey eyes.

Megan and I snickered.

"Please. It is not love. They are just crushing on him," I said.

"I am sure they don't even know what kind of guy he is," Megan said.

"But you gotta admire her braveness," Brooke said.

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