Chapter 29

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Who is Jemma Radcliffe?

Really, how often do people just sit back and really think about who they are?

In reality, I guess I have been avoiding the cruel truth behind being chosen to travel to Kepler. Back on launch day, I probably would have said coming here would have been the best thing to happen to me, but now?

Nothing makes sense anymore. I feel like I am constantly working with one hand behind me back, and maybe even a blindfold for good measure.

I was never meant to do any of this alone. Is it even possible for someone to travel alone to a different planet and expect the walls of their reality to stay intact?

These are the thoughts that fly through my head, almost faster than I can comprehend.

Yes, I was sent here with a goal. I, no, we had a mission. I've been trying to complete that mission, but what then?

I look back at Sadie and her father. Ansel and my friend talk a mile a minute and it's overly clear where Sadie got her charisma from. Another thing that is made abundantly clear is that no matter how much I wish, or hope, or dream, or even work, I'll never be back with my father. It doesn't matter that we never had a healthy relationship. Not being able to ever speak to your family again, that's a hard rock of reality to hit. That's another part of this mission that I didn't fully contemplate. They're dead. 83 years later, they have to be.

My eyes flicker back to Hunter. Had it not been for him, I would have died so many times. That day that I stumbled into the caves with Jackson, I would have died. Jackson couldn't have done anything about it, either.

But Hunter. He stands just a few feet away, hands stuffed into the pockets of his signature black cargo pants. Hunter meets my gaze for a moment before looking back off into the distance. He runs a hand through his unruly hair, clearly uncomfortable. The last time we spoke I more or less told him to stay away, so why is here?

I take one last look at Ansel and then approach Hunter.

"You came," I say quietly.

Hunter glances over at me, as if surprised I'm speaking to him.

"Someone has to take care of you," Hunter says.

"You didn't have to come out here."

Hunter scoffs. "Yes, I did," he says in his typical condescending tone, once again embodying his usual persona.

I take a deep breath, trying to remember that it's been a long day for him.

"I.. Um.." I stammer. I meet Hunter's blue eyes. "Thank you for coming."

Hunter's stony expression softens slightly. His usual placid frown falters as he looks me over once again.

"We'll talk about this back in the city," Hunter says quietly before sidestepping me.

He approaches Sadie and Ansel who immediately lose their bright smiles.

"Ansel," Hunter greets with a nod.

"It has been too long." Ansel forces a small grin of his own. "How has our city been faring?"

Hunter looks away from Ansel and shakes his head slightly. The older man's shoulders slouch and his bright eyes are instantly shadowed. He steps forward and clasps a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"You have no control over this. Do not blame yourself for any of this," Ansel instructs in a low voice.

An uncomfortable silence settles over the four of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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