Chapter 21

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I can't stop Hunter from doing this, but I can't let him go alone.

Before the thought can register in my head I'm rushing down the hall and grabbing him in a tight hug. Hunter tenses under my touch but then chuckles, returning the embrace.

I back off, my hands still resting on his shoulders.

"Please be careful."

Hunter shoots me a quirky grin. "Aw, who would've thought you actually cared?"

I roll my eyes.

"I'll be back. Promise," Hunter reassures me, stepping away.

I don't know why I cared so much about that idiot. Hunter is arrogant, controlling, rude, and unexplainably annoying, but I did care about him. Before I left Earth, I could count the people I cared about on one hand but what I feel for Hunter is different, even from how I felt towards Jackson. He cares, even though he shows it in the most intolerable way and the best part is that he doesn't have to.

And now he's leaving.

Slowly, I turn my back and begin walking through the deserted hall. I stop by a window and look out at the city. So many buildings were destroyed and I can only imagine how many lives were claimed.

My feet lead me idly to the infirmary where a few nurses scurry around. Most of the women in this part of the wing looked semi-stable but the further I walk, my stomach sinks. Each bed in this area is filled but unlike the other room, no nurses work. No machines hum. No noises are made here in this room full of people. There have to be at least forty in this room, each covered in a thin white sheet.

I completely expected myself to sink to the floor in that moment. I have watched people die, yes, but this was a different caliber of loss. Instead, something in me snaps and I realize that the people in the caves are dealing with the same pain, except probably more. Feelings rush over me like a waterfall and I think I have a good idea of why Hunter had left the city.

My eyes run over the room of bodies once more and I turn my back to leave.
I sprint back to my room. The door flings open and hits the doorstop with a bang. Sadie's head snaps up and she looks at me through sleepy eyes. I freeze and she groans at me before collapsing back into the sheets.

I rush into the bathroom and grab a first aid kit and shove it into the backpack I'd hauled through the desert once before. When I enter back into the room, Sadie's soft snores fill the room. Good, less explaining. I rummage through the dresser finding a black cargo coat with several giant pockets.

Before I run out of the room, I snatch Sadie's key card to the medicine lab.

The hallways are fairly empty and I guess that everyone is eager to sleep off this terrible day. I, on the other hand, hardly feel the fatigue through my adrenaline.

I swipe Sadie's card and quickly gain access to the most valuable collection of medicine and sterile supplies. Anything remotely useful gets crammed into my pockets or into the backpack. I add several water bottles and heave the pack onto my shoulders.

My feet lead me idly to the exit of the tower and I look out the glass doors into the dark night, ready to follow Hunter into the oblivion. 

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