Chapter 7

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Someone shakes me incessantly and my eyes flutter open. Jackson hovers over me, his eyes wide with concern. His hands are clamped tightly onto my shoulders as he kneels beside me. Beyond him, I can just see the outline of cave ceiling. The peaceful waters of the pool sit just feet away and the air is still.

I lean my head back against the rock wall. A sigh of relief escapes my lips.


The boy's voice cracks as he says my name, completely revealing his concern. He still hasn't let go of my shoulders and I peek one eye open to glare at him.


"Are you alright?" Jackson asks.

"Um, yeah, I was until you woke me up."

The more I speak, the more I come to the chilling realization that my throat is incredibly raw. It wasn't like that when I had gone to sleep. The explanation for both my throat and Jackson's concern hits me like a brick. Actually, make that a pile of bricks.

I bite my tongue, silently pleading for Jackson to let me off the hook.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks.

I nod my head, casually brushing off his touch. Jackson rocks back onto his heels and I take that opportunity to spring to my feet, dusting off my cargo pants.

I assume we must've slept for a couple hours because my hoodie is almost completely dry. Two hours seems like plenty of sleep in the grand scheme of things, especially considering I can't stand to face Jackson. It's bad enough I can't get him off my back and now, this?

I grab my pack and start walking towards the passageway leading underground, away from the pool. I wander down the corridor until the light from the previous chamber fades out into a world of shadows. My eyes wander backwards and I see a beam of light heading towards me.

My shoulders slump and I run a hand over my face. The embarrassment of the past few minutes settles over me like a veil of fog.  

Jackson appears around the corner of the tunnel, shining a flashlight in my face.

"Hey!" I hiss, blocking the light with my hands. Jackson rolls his eyes, squeezing past me in the passage. He runs the light over the cave in front of us in a swivel pattern, slowly checking every inch of the walls. I follow behind him over the uneven slope that leads us down into the unknown. My feet slip occasionally and I catch myself on the muddy walls. We walk further and further down into the abyss, the passageway getting narrower in some spots. All the while, Jackson says nothing, sneaking intermittent glances back in my direction.

I keep my head down, focusing on my steps. As hard as I try to shake the dream from my thoughts, it doesn't work. The panic had faded to a dull numbness but I couldn't hide the truth from myself. Every time I go through the dream in my head, I finish with the same question.

Would I survive without Jackson?

A few hours ago, I would've said yes without a second thought but now? I'm not sure.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice Jackson stopping and I practically run smack into him. He shoots me a questioning look and I shrug.

"The rock," I stammer. "I slipped on the rock." Jackson raises his eyebrows, before turning awkwardly back in the direction we were traveling. As soon as he's looking the opposite direction I cringe at my own stupidity. The rock? Are you kidding me?

"Um, Jemma?" Jackson pulls me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, what?" I ask.

Jackson laughs.

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