Chapter 17

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Harry's POV






What's that annoying sound? I open my eyes and I see white walls and bright lights



Where am I? Why is there beeping? Am I dead?

I stifle a groan and someone jerks. I look to my right to see a person holding my hand and laying on my chest. "M-mum" I murmur hoping someone would hear. "Harry! Glad your back buddy! " A person with black hair comes over. "How do you feel?" An Irish blond says too. I don't know anyone Irish?

The person laying on me looks up and I look at them. "H-harry!" He says exclaiming. "W-who are you guys?" I say and I rub my head and wince. "Ow..."

Another boys walks in and looks at me "Hey buddy, how ya doing?" He asks "Uhh, I'm fine. Who are you?" I ask again. "Liam, he doesn't remember us..." the one sitting beside me says, looking heart broken. My mum and a doctor walk in. "Welcome back Harry. How do you feel?" He asks taking the boys place.

"Fine. My head just hurts. And what do you mean, welcome back? Where am I?" I ask looking around. "Well you are in the hospital. You were out cold for at least a day and you just woke up. " He explains and I shake my head. "Mum. " I say and she comes over and gives me a hug. "Oh Harry I'm so happy your okay. I missed you so much. "

"It's only been a bit since I auditioned. " I chuckle. "What?" She says. "Since I auditioned, for the x factor? Its been what, an hour maybe?" I say and she looks at the doctor. "Harry can you tell me who these people are?" The doctor points to the 5 boys by my bed. "No idea sorry. " I say.

"Harry what year is it?" He asks and I look at him funny. "2010."

"Where are we?" He asks

"Cheshire' UK." I say again.

"Harry." he says once more.

"Yes?" I say again.

"You have amnesia. " He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Today is June 4th 2014." He says and I shake my head. " I-it can't be. " I say not believing what he said.

He leaves after I believe him and I'm stuck with 4 strangers and my mum.

"This doesn't explain who these people are. " I say. My mum introduces them.

"This is zayn. " Pointing to the boy with black hair. "Niall." she points to the blond. "Liam. " she points to the boy beside Niall. "And Louis, your b-" she says but Louis cuts her off. "Best friend. " He says quickly. Zany hauls him away and Niall and liam join.

"Why don't I remember them mum?" I ask and she shrugs. "Amnesia. "

Liam walks in with SIMON HOWELL . "W-why is Simon here?" I say and sit up. "Uncle Si will explain everything. "

Liam leaves the room and Simon sits beside me. He explains I'm in a band with those 4 boys. We came in 3rd in The x factor and were signed to him. "I thought you sign the wining? Not 3rd??" I ask confused. "You guys were too good to let go. And now you're in the biggest boy band in the world. " He says and I breathe in. "That's a lot to take in. " I say.

They all come in again. "Harry you'll be staying with Me, Niall and Zayn. " Liam says and louis is standing by the door peeking in. "What about louis?" I ask. "I invited him to stay but I'm not sure he will. "

"Do I live alone? Do I have a girlfriend? " I ask and Liam shakes his head. "You uhh live with louis and no you do not have a girlfriend. " Liam says.

"Why do I live with him?" I find it a bit odd that I live with him. I mean, we're only best pals. "You guys are pretty close. It was your idea to live with him anyway. " Niall says and I nod. "Sucks i don't have a girlfriend. I am pretty sexy. " I chuckle and the rest of the boys awkwardly laugh. I look at the door again and louis is gone.

"Where's Louis?" I ask. "Dunno. He's the most upset because like Niall said, you guys were the closest. " Liam says. My mum comes in. "Doctor says you can Leave whenever." She smiles and kisses my forehead. "I love you sweetie. "

"Love you too mum." I reply smiling.

"Can we take him home now?!" Niall jumps excitingly. "Sure. "


We arrive at their house Louis decides he wants to stay with us too.

They show me to my room and I set my stuff down. It's so strange. I live with 4 people I've just met this morning. I sit on my bed and turn on the telly. There's a knock on my door.

"Hey..." Louis opens the door once I say come in. "Hi." I say adjusting myself on my bed. "So Haz, you don't remember anything past x factor auditions?" He asks and I bite my lip and shake my head. "No, sorry. Not at all. " He frowns. "Oh... Okay..." He turns around to leave. Is Haz a nickname for me from him? What's his nickname? I stop him before he leaves. "Would it uhh, be okay if uhm you brought me to see our house?" I ask trying to word it properly.

"I can ask Li if it would be fine. I don't mind taking you over. Ill be back in a second. " He says and closes the door quietly behind him.

I sigh. Why is he so sad? I mean, we're only mates. I guess since were the closest he'd be the most devastated.

He knocks on the door again and says he can take me. Its an awkward car ride there because we don't know what to talk about. When we enter the house he starts walking up the stairs. "I'm taking a quick shower and packing extra clothes. Rooms are up here as well. You're welcome to explore. Just try not to get lost. " He says chuckling at the last part. I make myself a cuppa and walk up the stairs. I walk past the bathroom and hear Louis singing.

"Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me go cause I'm tired of feeling alone. don't let me, don't let me go cause I'm tired of feeling alone. I promised one day I'd bring you back a star. I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand. Seems like these days I watch you from afar just trying to get you to understand. " My god he's amazing. I enter a room and its bright green with a king sized bed. I sit on it assuming it was mine or Louis' room. I see a picture of us and it says "Boobear & Haz"

I'm guessing boobear is what I call him. He walks in and he's wearing only a towel. I gasp and look at him weird. "Whoops. " He says and giggles before entering the closest. I chuckle quietly. I see a paper plane necklace that has engravings on it. "H+L" on it and on the back it says "FOREVER" on one of the wings. I put it down and rush out of the room before Louis comes out.

I explore the other room assuming it was mine or is again. The room is smaller and baby blue walls. A twin sized bed and an end side table and a lamp with a walk in closest and dresser. It doesn't look like anyone has touched this room. Maybe there's another room somewhere. I walk out and bump into Louis. "Woah sorry mate. " I say and he nods.

I walk back down stairs and look around the kitchen and living room. We head back and Zayn offers to show me our first song.

He brings up YouTube and types in "What Makes You Beautiful" And clicks on the first video that pops up. Soon I see 5 boys on a beach, us? Liam starts singing then I so. I continue watching and something pops into my head.

"Zayn, you buried me in sand. "

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