Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Harry's P.O.V

I'm sitting in a hospital chair waiting for results for Louis. He stopped breathing back at home and started having a seizure.

A doctor comes out and greets me. "Mr. Styles?" She asks and I nod getting up. "Yes?" I ask hoping for good news about Louis.

"Well, there's good news and bad news. " She starts. Oh bloody hell..

"Tell me the good news. " I say and she nods. "The good news is that your friend Louis, survived. Bad news is that he's in a coma. " She says.

"He can't be in a coma! We have a concert tomorrow!" I say almost shouting. Zayn walks over to me. "What's wrong bud?" He asks and I bury my face into my hands.

"H-he's in a coma. " I say with tears in my eyes. "But we have a concert tomorrow! He can't be!" Niall says coming back from the cafeteria.

"Well he is..." I say sadly. "It's ok. We'll just say Lou isn't feeling well enough to perform or something. " Zayn says. "Bloody freaking hell." I mumble into my hands.

"It's ok lad. He'll be ok. " Niall reassures me. I nod and give him a smile

"Can I see him?" I ask suddenly and the nurse nods. "By all means. " She smiles. "One at a time please. "

"I wanna go first. " I say and I walk into the room Louis' in. I see Louis laying on his bed passed out from being in a coma.

His skin is pale white and his hair is messy. The blankets are wrapped around his small body. I sit on the small stool beside his hospital bed.

His small hands are placed by his side. I grab his left hand and squeeze it in mine. I feel the warmth of his body and I smile.

"I love you." I whisper under my breath. I bite my bottom lip, not knowing what to do now. Being in his presence just makes me feel so much better.

A tear escapes my eye. I quickly wipe it. I don't know how long he'll be in a coma for. We have a ton of concerts to do, so I don't know what the excuse will be because I don't think management will want the media to know about Louis being in a coma.

I look at his face. Everything about Lou is perfect. His nose, his lips, his hair, his eyes, his body, his skin even if it is pale as can be.

I take a deep breath in. "I know you can't hear me..." I start. I bite my bottom lip again. "I think it'll be easier to tell you this way..." I say again.

"I think... Larry shouldn't be together. I do love you Lou, but it's so hard trying to be with you. I want to be with you, more than anything. But I've tried so hard. Either we decide Larry's over or management would force us to be over.. I don't things to come to that. I know you can't hear me, you'll probably be in a coma for a while so it'll give me time how to tell you this in person when you wake up... I just, I can't do this anymore. I mean, we can still be friends right? I don't want to lose my boobear. I need you. We can go back to our old selves, we can be best pals. We have to forget about this I guess.. I've never been in this situation before, i hate it. I love you Lou, i hope you'll understand when you wake up..." I say and kiss his lips for the last time.

I stand up and sigh. I turn around and Liam's standing in the doorway. He's leaning up against the frame with his arms crossed. "What made you wanna do that?" Liam says and I shrug.

"I can't handle it. Like I wanna be with him but I don't want management forcing us to tell the world, plus the fans, they take Larry to far. We may sort of be in a real relationship but the fans push us to far. I can't do this Liam. Larry is over, for good." I say whilst a tear escapes my eye. I move my hair to the side.

"I know Harry... I hope Louis understands... When Louis' awake you guys need to tell the world you're over..." Liam says, not knowing what to say. I nod and walk past him not taking a second glance at Louis.

"Hey, you ok Harry?" Niall asks and I nod, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Perfectly fine." I say walking outside.


I'm back at the hospital because the boys wanted to check up on Louis again. I'm sitting outside his room when Zayn rushes out. "HARRY!" He says clutching his chest to regain his breath. "What is it?!" I say standing up. "It's Louis." Zayn says and my eyes go wide. Oh my god. Louis' dead...

I push past him and burst into the room. The door slams into the wall. My eyes dart to Louis' bed. "Harry..." His voice croaks. "Louis..." I whisper before tears take over me. I rush over to him. "Harry." He says again and I look into his blue eyes. His lips form a smile.

"You're awake." I smile and he nods. "I am." He chuckles.

"I need to tell you something Louis..." I say looking down at the floor. "Anything Harry, you can tell me anything. " He says and I sigh. I take his hand in mine.

"I just... I can't do this, Lou. Management is tearing us apart, don't you see? I love you, I really do, but being in a relationship isn't going to work... I don't management to tear apart completely. We can still be friends, in fact best pals. I don't want to lose my boobear. We can forget this and go back to being friends. I need you, i do wanna be with you. But I can't. I've tried so hard so we can be together. But Larry's over..." I finish and at this point Louis' face is confused.

"I-I don't understand Harry..." Louis says and sits up. "Do you think it's that easy? To go back to being our old selves? Because it's not Harry. We're going to grow distant, because every time I look at you I see the one thing that actually meant the world to me. The one thing that I cared about the most. I actually thought I'd have a chance at love for once. Everyone ruined it for me. I can't go back to being friends Harry, i can't. I'm going to think back on every single memory we had together. Like that night we had before I had that seizure. Remember that? Because I sure do. I remember every detail of all our memories and you want to pretend that never happened? It all happened Harry, every single one of it. From that press conference that started it all to right now. It's not going to go all away because you want to forget we had something. We had something very special. You know what? Maybe you're right, maybe we shouldn't be together. Because I'm sick of begging for you back. I'm ALWAYS the one who comes running back begging for you. You've never did that once for me Harry, not once. " He says lays back down and rolls over so his back is facing me.

"Louis..." I say in a raspy voice, trying to calm him down. "No Harry. You can leave now." He says dismissing me.

I get up and slam the door behind me. "Hey Harry." "How's Louis?" "Did it go well?" I hear from the boy but i ignore them and stomp past.

I go outside and get into my car, slamming the door behind me. I put the keys in the ignition and turn it. The engine roars and I slam the gas pedal down. I go zooming down the highway. It's night time at this point.

The headlights shine ahead of me on the dark wet road, it's down pouring. I push the gas pedal down harder, I'm going way past the speed limit but I don't care.

I reach my house and I turn into the driveway. I get out and slam the door behind me. I enter my house and lock the door.

I pick up my phone and dial a number.

"Paul? Schedule a interview. Larry's over." I say into the phone and I hang up.

A/N: Sorry it's short, but i felt like it was a long wait for this chapter so i tried to finish it up.

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