Larry Love

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A/N: Not going to be any POV's in this book just being narrated. Yay new book C:

A/N: sorry the first few chapters are a bit rocky.. I ended up writing in first person. Bear with younger me and her indecisive self 🤦🏼‍♀️

This type of writing is thoughts.

This writing is normal.

Chapter 1

Harry walks in the door of his flat and looks at Zayn funny. "Yes?" Zayn says looking puzzled. "Nothing." He says sitting down on a stool by the island in his kitchen. "Where's Louis?" Harry asks and Zayn shrugs.

"Dunno, he left a few minutes ago before you came in. Could be anywhere now." Zayn says and Harry grunts. He pulls out his phone and dials Louis' number.

"Hey, Louis where are you?" He asks. "On my way to Nandos with Niall and Liam, if you want to come meet us there in 10 minutes." He answers and Harry hangs up.

"Wanna go to Nandos with the boys?" Harry asks Zayn and he nods. "Be ready in 5 minutes." Harry says running up the stairs. Zayn rushes into the bathroom and combs his hair quickly. He grabs his varsity leather jacket and he waits for Harry outside.

Harry tosses him the keys. "Wanna drive?" He asks. "Sure." Zayn replies and gets into the driver seat. 10 minutes later they arrive at Nandos. They spot the others and they join them. Niall orders the most because well, that's Niall and it's his favorite restaurant.

"Boobear, pass the salt." Harry asks and Louis nods. "There you go Hazza." Louis says and Harry smiles.

Liam finishes first and goes to pay the bill. Niall pokes Louis and he looks at him. "Yes?" He says and Niall giggles. Harry looks at them and Niall sticks his tongue out at Louis. Louis grabs Niall and walks away with him. Harry looks for them without getting up, nowhere to be seen. He wonders where they went.

He gets up and tells Zayn he'll be right back. He walks to the washroom and looks at himself in the mirror. He frowns. He all of a sudden felt jealous of Niall and Louis.

No, I can't be jealous. Harry thought slapping himself lightly. "I don't fancy Louis." He says then splashes his face with cold water and drying his face off and he walks back out. They're all waiting for his and Louis is sitting by Niall whispering in his ear. Niall laughs slightly then gets up.

The rest get up and they all head to the cars with Harry following behind. Harry and Louis get into his car and Zayn, Niall and Liam get into Niall's car. They go back to Harry's flat and they pick out a movie.

They all decide on a horror film, Case 39. It's about this women who is a detective and does this one case that saves a little girls life, her parents put her in an oven and turned it on, once she saved her they claimed she was a demon. The women adopts her and the little girl after a while starts to control her and starts to be evil. The women tries to drown her and almost drowns herself.

"I love this movie!" Louis exclaims jumping on Liam and sitting down beside him. Harry glances at him then at the TV. He felt stranger than usual when Louis was around the boys more often than him. After the movie Louis and Liam talked privately and Harry wonders into the kitchen.

"What do you think they're talking about?" He asks Niall and shrugs. "Can't say, sorry lad." Niall responds and Harry grunts. Why was everyone hiding this from him?

He stomps up stairs and walks into his room. He walks backwards and eavesdrops on Louis and Liam. He only hears mumbles so he goes back into his room. He sits down on his chair and turns his computer on, he goes on twitter and laughs at his mentions. "Wow.. The fans are funny." He says. Turns out the mentions are perverted.

A few hours later Liam knocks on the door. "Come in." Harry says closing twitter. Liam turns on the light and sits down on his bed. "Do you fancy Louis?" He blurts out and Harry looks at him funny.

"Of course not, me and Lou are buds and nothing more.. Why does Lou fancy me?" He says and Liam shakes his head. "Seems like you do. I see the way you look at him. The way you act around him. All I'm saying is I hope you don't. We may have fake bromances but one thing we don't need is real bromances. " Liam says and Harry sighs. "I don't fancy Lou, I am sure of that." He retorts.

Do I really? Harry thinks.

"Harry, are you listening?" Liam snaps and Harry brings his attention back to Liam. "No, I kind of blanked out there, sorry." He says and Liam does a face palm. "You're hopeless..." He says getting up. Harry looks at him and chuckles.

"Well, think it out, figure out your feelings. Report back to me Mr. Styles once you do." Liam says closing the door after leaving. Harry goes outside and he gets into his car. He drives off.

He turns on the radio and Marianas Trench comes on, Ever After. He sings along to it and pulls into a park. He sits by a picnic table, he always comes to the park when he needs to think of needs some space.

Do I fancy Lou? Of course not.. I could never.. I like girls, not guys. Even if I did he'd never fancy me back... Harry thinks long and hard. He decides to see what Louis thinks.

Back at the flat Louis watches some movies with Niall, Zayn and Liam.

Louis waits for Harry to come back home. He's been missing him a lot more lately and wants to see him more. Every five minutes Louis looks at the door to see if Harry will come through it.

Where is he? Where did he even go? Louis thinks and looks at the door once more. He can almost hear foot steps when the door burst open. The boys jump and look at the door. A soaking wet Harry walks in. "Where were you?" Zayn asks. "At the park. Louis I need to talk to you." He says to Louis and he gets up from the sofa.

"Yes?" Louis said looking into Harry's deep green eyes and Harry bites his lip. He stutters a bit and he plays with his hands. There's something bugging him. Louis thought. He only plays with his hands like that when there is.

"Are you okay?" Louis asks and Harry nods. Harry looks into Louis' eyes and bites his lip once more. "What did you wa--" Louis starts then Harry cuts him off with him presses his lips against his.

What the bloody hell? Why aren't I doing anything to stop him? Louis, stop kissing him. He kept telling himself but his body kept wanting more. His hands got tangled in Harry's hair and Harry let out a slight moan. He felt a smile form on Harry's lips against his.

Am I really kissing him, I guess he might fancy me, he sure is kissing me back. Harry thought and smiled a bit. He bite Louis' lip by accident and Louis chuckled. Louis' lips are soft, not as soft as a girls but soft as in the kind you want more of, with a girl you don't want more and more. I'm not saying I like kissing guys, It's just Louis' lips are so much different which makes me want more. Harry thinks and pulls away. Harry's tongue outlines Louis' lips and Louis lets out a slight moan. They've been snogging for a bit and when he pulls away he see's a panting Louis. 

"Umm.. erm.. Sorry lad." Harry stumbles to say and walks out the room. Louis just stands there puzzled. "What just happened?" He says out loud and sits down on the bed. He lays down and puts his hands on his face.

Why am I so gopsmacked on Harry kissing me? Why was it so different from kissing him any other time, maybe it was because we kissed jokingly because of our 'bromance' but this was so much different. He wanted to kiss me, I could feel it. I can't believe i even kissed him back. Why am I so confused? Do I fancy Harry?

Larry Love (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now