"Enough! Enough! You two! Detention after school!" Then she angrily turned towards the class, knocking over the chalk box in the process. "Stop laughing! I'll give detention to each of you then we'll see who'll laugh!!" She screamed so loudly that Alexa wouldn't be surprised if people from other countries complained of noise pollution.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and started to take out random things from their bags, trying to appear busy and to avoid Mrs. Trooper's hawk like eyes.

She picked up the chalk box as Drew and James started heading towards the seats but after their eyes scanned the area, then they went back to Mrs. Trooper.

Alexa looked around and her heart sank. The only two desks empty was the one on her right hand side and the other behind her. They weren't good company, they attracted trouble and Alexa hated getting into detentions. Knowing those two, if they ignored her, she'll be lucky but if they noticed her then surely she'll end up in trouble.

They seemed to be in a heated arguement with Mrs. Trooper. Alexa thought about it again for a moment. Maybe, it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe, the clichiest thing would happen to her. Drew, the hot bad boy would sit next to her, she'll ignore him and she'll be the first girl who would've treated him like that. He'll be attracted towards her and would want her attention and then they'll fall in love. She sighed dreamily as she saw Drew walk past her, a defeated look on his face as he sat on the desk behind her.

James took a seat next to her and she felt disappointment in the pit of her stomach. How would she ignore Drew if he wasn't sitting beside her? She waved goodbye to her fairy tale and took out her pencil and opened the page number Mrs. Trooper had ordered them to open.

Mrs. Trooper started reading and explaining them when she felt a nudge on her arm. She looked at her right hand side and saw James looking at her expectantly.

"Yo, have a pencil?" He asked, eyeing her pencil.

"No, I don't have an extra one." Alexa answered quickly, she didn't want to be caught by Mrs. Trooper who would give her detention straight away.

"Okay, yo. Just give me the pencil in your hand." He asked again.

"No." Alexa answered shortly. She had started to feel slightly annoyed. His way of asking was not merely appreciated by her.

"Yo, check your minion pouch, you might have one for the hot boy here." He asked again.

Alexa looked at the self centered boy incredulously. She then pretended to look in her minion stationary pouch and shut it quickly. "Don't have it."

"Yo, Check again? Your eye sight must be pretty weak. 'Cause I can see a pencil from right here, yo."

Alexa was annoyed more than ever, didn't he get the message. Had he ever been told no?
"One more time and I'll knock you out by a hammer." She threatened through gritted teeth.
She heard a silent laughter from behind but completely ignored it. Luckily, he didn't say anything again. Alexa heaved a sigh of relief. It looked like to her that he had finally gotten the message but boy, was she wrong?

After a few moments, she again felt someone nudge her side and she slowly turned.

"Yo, do you have a hammer?" James asked, a little bit fear on his face.

"No." Alexa answered shortly and turned to face Mrs. Trooper.

"Yo, so give me the pencil?"

Alexa looked at him coldly not being able to control her impatience.
"Stop yo-yo-ing me 'cause I'm not your yo-yo. And get your own pencil!" It was out before she realized she had spoken it loudly.

"Ms. Juan! How dare you disturb my class?! A detailed biography on William Shakespeare's and a summary of Romeo and Juliet, I want it by tomorrow, hand written!" Mrs. Trooper sneered at her least favourite student.

"But Mrs. Trooper today's the first day-" Alexa began to protest but was stopped by Mrs. Trooper.

"There is no rule stating homework as a punishment can't be given on a first day so I'm expecting your writing pieces by tomorrow!" Mrs. Trooper firmly said and turned her attention back to her book when Alexa spoke again.
"This is hardly fair! James was provoking me! I didn't do anything!"

"You should've controlled your temper!" Mrs. Trooper coolly said.

"He was annoying me-"

"Enough, Ms. Juan! Don't you remember me telling Mr. Anderson not to talk back to a teacher, detention after school!" She smirked triumphantly at Alexa who sunk back in her chair, angry at Mrs. Trooper and James.

This was really bad, what if her dad knew she had just landed a detention on the first day of school?


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