The sound of a beating heart and bare chest made me fully open my eyes. My body was trapped between Harry's. His strong legs tangled with mine and with his tight grasp to my body I could not move. His chin was on top of my head as he breathed steadily and his heart beat speedily.

                                 I moved out of his grasp without waking him up. I do not remember how I fell asleep last night. All I can remember is hearing him singing to me lowly so I can fall asleep.

                                 A big grin pulled into my face when I managed slipping away. Quickly it was replaced by a frown when I beheld my room's door slightly open. Yesterday I was sure to close it -

                                  “Shit!” I muttered under my breath. How did I forget to lock it ? Oh my god. Probably my parents came into the room and saw us both in this inappropriate position. My cheeks heat up in fear of my assumptions.

                                 I held my sweater and put it on as I see Harry moving to cuddle with the pillow. I smiled stupidly at myself. It was odd how good I felt today. It is like I have been invested into a whole new world that is full with candy and happiness. It was combined with guilt of what I did. I knew it was wrong and I was sinful but I was not regretful. The last things I'd so is regretting this.

                                 I let Harry stay asleep since he slept really late. Once I opened my bedroom's door I heard my parents' voices talking. It was unclear as I hear dishes smash slightly against dishes. I held my breath for dear life as I walk down stairs.

                                 Their eyes drifted to me. Judging my presence. There were a hint of shame and disgust in their eyes that flashed repeatedly through their blue and brown eyes.

                                 I stood waiting for any word to be shared instead of those looks. My dad put his news paper away from his hands and neatly folded it and put it on the table. He then re-looked at me with angered eyes. My heart beat greatly fast and I just waited.

                                “Explain.” He calmly said as he crossed his arms over his chest. My mother wiped her wet hands into a towel before standing beside my dad. I felt lost with words so I tried to play dumb.

                                 “Explain W-What ?” I stuttered. Not having the ability to hide the slight fear in my voice. Guilt starting like a shower that is only preventing me from breathing normally.

                                 “What have we beheld up in your room ?” His voice was laced with disgust and my heart shuttered slightly. I played with the hem of my big sweater looking shamefully down.

                          “Girl you have no shame —” My mother started to yell but my father stopped her raising his pointer up. She immediately shut up to play the good wife she is.

                                 "What happened last night ?"

                                 “Nothing —” He cut me off with a stern, off limited voice. Fear built more in my stomach as I close my eyes frightfully.

                                 “What happened last night ?” He repeated annoyingly. His voice rose above normality by abit as he talked. But I was not going to give up.

                                 “Dad we did nothing!” I yelled. My dad slammed his hands at the table beside him as he stood up walking towards me. I bit my lip as I take a step back.

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