Universal Prank Day

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"That's Master Prankitus Bridger to you."

"Whatever." Kallus crossed his arms and frowned. It was becoming a regular thing.

"Love that teenage attitude, but it's not going to make you thirty again." Ezra said cheerfully as be prepared a Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus bomb.

"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts," Kallus repeated to himself. Suddenly Sabine popped up behind them covered in Sparkle paint.

"Yay! Prank one down!" Sabine cheered. Ezra gave her a thumbs up while Kallus gave her a weird look.

"You need color." Sabine said to Kallus, wiping her hand across his face.

"Ugh!" Kallus grunted as he tried to get the pink paint off.

"I thought we were going to prank the troopers at the Imperial HQ." Kallus grumbled.

"Yes, we are! Onward!" Ezra cheered, marching down the alleyway.

Sabine skipped along behind Ezra while Kallus hung back. An evilish smile spreading across his face.

"Happy Universal Prank Day, Bridger." Kallus muttered as he pressed down on the detonator in his pocket.


Abruptly, vibrant Sparkle paint and Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus bombs exploded all around Ezra and Sabine. Everything in the alleyway was drenched in the paint and confetti.

"Hahahahaha!" Kallus laughed as he slid past the two paint drenched teenagers.
"I knew you would come this way, so I placed Sparkle paint and Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus bombs here!" Kallus chuckled from the end of the alleyway.

"Well, I knew that you would know! So I took the liberty of placing Honey bombs where your standing!" Ezra crowed as he showed Kallus a detonator.

"I knew that you would know I knew, so I hid a blast shield here!" Kallus said, grabbing the blast shield from behind a crate. He ducked behind it as the Honey bomb exploded.

"Karabast!" Ezra huffed. Kallus laughed triumphantly as he stood up.

"But! I knew that you would have a back up plan in case that you discovered that I knew!" Ezra laughed maniacally. "I placed a Ultra Super Hot Cosmic Valentine's Day Special Edition Pink Sparkle bomb behind you!"

"I already knew you would have such a cowardly backup plan. That's why I've been practicing wizard parkour moves!"

As the Ultra Super Hot Cosmic Valentine's Day Special Edition Pink Sparkle bomb exploded, Kallus took a couple running steps up the wall next to him, going into a backflip over the Sparkle. He landed in a super hero pose on the ground, looking victorious. The Ultra Super Hot Cosmic Valentine's Day Special Edition Pink Sparkle slammed into Ezra, making him stagger a bit.

"Well, pff! I knew, pff, this would happen so I- " Sabine cut Ezra off.

"I knew this would happen. That's why I placed ULTRA COSMIC PRANKITUS GALACTICUS SUPERCHARGERUS CONFETTIUSUS COOL BLUE UNIVERSAL PRANK DAY SPECIAL EDITION SPARKLE bombs up and down this alleyway!" Sabine shouted, ending with a wicked laugh. She showed them the detonator before pressing the button on it.
The Ultra Cosmic Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus Cool Blue Universal Prank Day Special Edition Sparkle blew up in a giant mushroom cloud.

Meanwhile, back in the Hall of Rebels. . .

"We're here live at the scene of the mysterious Blue Cloud." The female Devronian said. Hera stared at the holonet with a shocked expression.

"Hey, Kanan?" Hera called. Kanan poked his head in and saw the holonet.

"Oh the gods hate me." He grumbled. On the holonet, Ezra, Sabine and Kallus burst out of the Ultra Cosmic Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus Cool Blue Universal Prank Day Special Edition Sparkle, startling the bystanders. Stormtroopers hurriedly chased after them, only so they looked good on the news. Ezra fired at them with his splat blaster. Unfortunately, his aim wasn't great and a moment later the camera wobbled before hitting the ground.

"Jimmy! Are you okay?" The Devronian exclaimed. Kanan shook his head and walked away. Leaving Hera to gawk at the static filled holoscreen.

Jump to the Future! (III)

"That was," Kallus gasped as they reached the cargo hold of the Ghost.

"Wizard!" Sabine and Ezra cheered.

"Messy." Kallus said, looking at himself. They were all covered in Sparkle paint, honey, streamers, Ultra Cosmic Prankitus Galacticus Superchargerus Confettiusus Cool Blue Universal Prank Day Special Edition Sparkle, and Ultra Super Hot Cosmic Valentine's Day Special Edition Pink Sparkle.

"Can't believe you hit Jimmy the camera boy." Sabine said, flicking paint at Ezra.

"Collateral damage." Ezra shrugged.

"Yes. Collateral damage." Kanan said darkly above them. They glanced up and saw Kanan holding a jar.

"Oh, brix." The three groaned.

Happy April Fools everybody! └(^o^)┘

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