I handed it back giving him a slight smile.

-Andrew but my 'friends' call me Andy- He handed it back and Mr.Grey shot us a look. 

-Andy that's cool you should meet some of my friends you might like them-

-yeah why did everyone gasp when you sat down?-

-oh um because thats my seat I don't let anyone sit there and I guess that surprised them.-

-oh do you want it back because I can move if you want me to-

-don't worry about it- I wrote back and we ended up doing that all class period.

I learned that we like all the same bands and we had all the same classes except for math and history which he had 5th and 6th where I have it 6th and 5th. He doesn't talk which is kind of strange but cool. If he doesn't want to talk he doesn't have to.

We were walking down the hall when someone threw Andy into a locker. I growled and threw the guy that pushed Andy across the hallway. I walked over to him. And pulled him up by his shirt.

"Don't ever touch him again." I growled before walking away and helping Andy.

"Are you okay?" I asked helping him up and he nodded.

I don't know what got into me but I shook it off and we headed to lunch. At lunch I saw him go sit at an empty table. I frowned before turning to the guys.

"CC,Jinxx,Jake I have someone I want y'all to meet." I said pulling Kina up with me and they followed me. I say down next to him with Kina on my lap and I noticed that he hasn't touched the food on his plate and that made me sad.

'Why won't he eat?' My wolf whined.

"So Andy this is Jinxx, Jake, CC and Kina my girlfriend. And guys this is Andy."I said pointing to them.

"What's up Andy!" CC yelled holding out his hand for a fist bump by Andy just coward away. And he just sat there. CC looked sad for him before pulling his arm back.

"What's wrong with him?" Kina whispered in my ear. That mad my wolf mad and he was scratching to get out.

"He just a little shy." I whispered back.

'What the hell you're just going to let her talk to him like that!' My wolf said loudly.

'What's your problem?' I asked him.

'I don't know there is just something about him.' He said back and then he disappeared.

The last bell of the day rang and I said my goodbyes to Andy and walked to my car to see Kina leaned against the good and Jinxx with his nose in his phone. I walked over to Kina and wrapped my arms around her waist before kissing her. She licked at my bottom lip for entrance but I stopped her there.

"So I thought that maybe we could go to my place and have a little fun since my parents are out of town." She purred in my ear running her fingers down my chest.

"What time baby and I will be there." I purred back putting my hands on her waist.

"Hmm how about 7?"

"Perfect see you then." I said then kissed her once more before pushing Jinxx into the car and taking him to the pack house.

Kina has a vacation house that we throw party's and stuff at and we go there we want some alone time. I smiled to my self and we pulled up and got out.

I went to my room and took a shower before eating. After eating I went upstairs and packed some clothes before grabbing my phone and getting in the car. I turned on the radio and sang along with The Misfits.

An Angel, A DemonWhere stories live. Discover now