[17]The Big Ask-Part 2

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Mikayla POV
I looked around for Jacob and Shawn but they had ran off too. Damn those boys are fast.
I walked to the one place I could think of- the froyo shop.
I walked into the shop and asked a middle aged man if he had seen any guys around my age and looked somewhat familiar. He pointed to one guy who was eating froyo himself and was sitting at the corner of the shop- Carter.
He gave me a toothy grin and handed me a cup filled with my favourite froyo- rainbow swirl with marshmallows. He gestured towards the note on the cup.

Considering that you've come so far I take it that ur interested to find out who I am. Go back to the place where you have ur beauty sleep that must really be working because u look drop dead gorgeous Everyday.

My heart fluttered at the names he's been calling me-princess, gorgeous, angel. I went back to my hotel room and I found Nash sprawled on my bed.

I giggled at the sight and poked his stomach. He squirmed and handed me one more note that was in a shape of a heart.
One more place to go and your done. U know how in twilight Edward reveals to Bella that's he's a vampire in the woods? Well go to the woods and I'll reveal myself. See you in a few Mikayla.

I looked up at was surprised to see Nash still standing there."Aren't u suppose to run off like the rest?" I asked curiously. "Nope, I'm here to escort Bella to her vampire. Follow me." Nash held out his hand and led me to the woods
[ a/n woods in a city? Just use ur imagination please :) ]

Nash blindfolded me and guided me to the woods. After walking for a few minutes, the smell of lush tropical plants wafted into my nostrils. The fresh air cooled my moist skin and the presence of nature calmed my nerves down. Then, Nash removed the blindfold and I was shocked at the sight before me.

Standing in front of me was Cameron in a a tuxedo with a single rose in his hand. My hand flew to my mouth. It was Cameron this whole time? How had I not realised. Of course he knew my favourite songs and food, he's spent almost 16 years with me. My heart started beating like a Thousand  sledgehammers palpitating furiously against my ribcage. My heart fluttered profusely as I looked into his eyes. He walked towards me and started.

"Mikayla, I've been waiting for this moment for almost 5 years. Every single moment I spent with u made me realise how lucky I am to have u in my life. Believe it or not, my feelings have grown more and more since I was 14, I've never felt this way about a girl before. 5 years of waiting and waiting for this moment. You're my best friend and I can't express how thankful I am that you've stuck by me through thick and thin. I love everything about u. The way u laugh, the glint in ur eye when u have an idea, or just the way u look away to hide ur blush. The littlest things u do make my heart flutter. So now I'm here standing before u. Mikayla Rose Alexandra Espinosa, would u be the Bella to my Edward and be my Girlfriend?"

I stood there dumbfounded. He asked me to be his Girlfriend. Cameron Dallas asked me to be his Girlfriend. Maybe he did like me more than just a Friend. I felt tears at the brim of my eyes as I heard him pour his heart out. I grinned at him and said," Yes Cameron Alexander Dallas, I will be ur Girlfriend."
He looked up at me with the happiest look ever and spun me around in circles.

Cameron POV
I said it. I finally did it. All  had to do now was wait for her answer. I don't think I could ever like a girl the way I like Mikayla. Who am I kidding? I love Mikayla. My palms turned sweaty and my heart started beating like a thousand bong drums. She looked up at me, tears brimming at her eyes and said one sentence that my heart soar. " Yes Cameron Alexander Dallas, I will be ur Girlfriend." I spun her around and it felt so right to have her in my arms. Not Jack's but mine. Finally everything fell into its place.

just a best friend? c.dTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon