[4] Telling Cameron

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Matt POV

I could not express how happy I was to hear the my twin was coming on your with me! Cameron is her Best Friend and he'll be excited too I Guess. I think he has a crush on her. I just hope she doesn't fall for one of the guys tho. " Cameron cameron cameron!" I screamed, practically breaking down his hotel room door. "Mikayla is coming on tour with us!" After I said that, Cameron's face lit up and a grin broke free. He totally likes her.

Cameron POV

Once I heard the news I couldn't stop smiling. Mikayla was my Best Friend and I missed her so freaking much. but that's the sad part, we're only friends. I wish we could be more than that, I've liked her ever since we were 12. The way she laughs, the way her hair cascades down her shoulders or the way she lights up the whole room whenever she walks in. But I doubt she feels the same way. Let's just hope none of the other boys wins her heart.

Sorry filler chapter! don't mind my first few chapters hehhee. the rest would be better I promise okay? I love u
                        -chloe dallas

just a best friend? c.dUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum