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Mikayla POV

" Mikayla! I miss you so much! 3 months without you is driving me crazy! " I know what ur thinking - Mikayla has a Boyfriend?! Well no. I've never had a single Boyfriend in my entire 17 years of life. Boys are a waste of my time. I was face timing my twin Brother Matt. He was away at a convention called magcon and it sucks being almost 3000 miles apart for months when we've never been further than 4 feet away from each other until now. Matt and I bonded more than most siblings. He gets me in ways others don't. He's been there for me through everything I've been through. Regardless of all the fights, he's the best sibling I could ask for.

   " I know but Guess what?! Bart emailed me yesterday and invited me to magcon with u guys!! I'm arriving at Houston tmr. "
     "Yes! Remind me to kiss Bart when we finish our call! I'll pick u up tmr? I can't wait! anyways I gtg tel cam. I love u Sista!" Matt screeched while he danced around the room.

" I love u too Matt! Can't wait to see u too. " with that I ended the call and started packing.

Was it okay? Sorry for being so boring hehhee
                      -chloe dallas

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