Chapter 18

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I wake up in a bedroom that I don't recognize. I'm wearing some persons jogging pants and a big t-shirt. I get up quietly and grab my phone from the side table beside the bed. When I leave the room, I realize I'm in Ethan's flat. Down the hallway I see Simon and Ethan on the couch . When I walk through doorway they both turn to look at me.
"Sorry that you're wearing Ethan's clothes. I am too though. We didn't really have anything else to wear." Simon tells me.
"It's okay. I don't mind." I say, "Do you have any Advil? My head is killing me and I feel so gross."
"Yeah, here." Ethan says, throwing me a bottle of advil from beside him. I catch it and walk to his kitchen. I grab a cup and fill it with tap water. I take the pill and sit at the island. I try to remember last night. I remember making out with Simon a lot. I remember having a lot to drink. I remember meeting a lot of people people but I don't remember any names. I remember coming up here and changing into Ethans clothes.
"Hey Olivia, if you want to shower you can. I have tons of clothes you can wear." Ethan offers.
"Yeah. That sounds amazing. Thanks Eth." I say, standing up and walking to his bathroom. I turn on the shower and jump in. I wash all the hairspray out of my hair and use Ethan's orange body wash. It actually smells really good. I get out and twist a towel around my wet hair and wrap a towel around my body. I walk out to the living room lazily.
"Hey Ethan, can you come with me to-" I start to say but when I look ip I see Tobi, Harry and Cal sitting there with Ethan and Simon, "Hey guys."
Simon jumped up and came over to me, "You're not really wearing much, you know?" He asks.
"Calm down Simon. The dress you picked out for me that I wore a few weeks ago showed more skin. Ethan can you come with me and get me some clothes?" I ask. Ethan stands up and walks to his bedroom.
"Sorry. I'm just greedy and only want me to see you." Simon says.
"Its okay. When are we going home?" I ask.
"Soon." He answers.
"What day is it?" Harry asks.
"Saturday." I answer.
"Oh sick. You guys should come back over tonight. No drinking involved." Harry says.
"Maybe a little drinking." Cal says.
"We might." Simon tells them.
"We're just all hanging out." Tobi tells us. I hear Ethan come out of his room. I turn around and take the clothes from him and walk back to the bathroom. I put on the black joggers and white Sidemen t-shirt. I walk back out to the living room and sit beside Tobi. We talk about the party last night and we laugh as we tell each other dumb shit that they did.
"I'm ordering pizza." Ethan says.
"It's 11 am." I laugh.
"What kind do you like, Olivia?" He asks.
"Cheese is fine." I say. He orders four pizzas and soon enough they arrive.

We leave around two. We get an uber home. When we get back I go straight upstairs and change my clothes. I wear leggings and a Sidemen sweatshirt. I go on my social media and scroll through all my tagged pictures from last night. I laugh as I remember everything that happened. I decide to take a nap since Simon and the guys are busy recording right now I got like 6 hours of sleep last night.
When I wake up I go downstairs and see Vik there.
"Hey Vik." I say.
"Hey Olivia." He responds, "How was your night?"
"Good." I respond, "Yours?"
"Pretty good actually." He responds, "I was just about to go out and get some food if you want to come with me. The rest of the guys are recording." He tells me.
"Yeah, sounds good." I say. I quickly text Simon before Vik and I get into his car. We decide to get Chinese. We order a lot to bring it home for Josh, Simon and JJ and sit down at a table, waiting for it to be ready.
"So, how are you and Simon?" He asks me.
"We're really good. He makes me happy. Sometimes I feel like he could do better. Or like he should be dating a beauty guru or something." I say.
"I think you're exactly what he needs. You guys seem perfect for each other in my eyes." Vik tells me.
"I'm so happy to hear that. How's your love life?" I ask.
"Well, I have no problem talking to girls or hooking up with them, but its never long-term." He says, "There was this one girl last night but I think she might have a thing for Cal." He tells me with a sad smile.
"Everyone has a thing for Cal. He's Cal." I respond sympathetically.
"Well, why? You're a girl. What do girls see in him and not in me. I know I'm not tall and strong but what about personality?" Vik asks.
"In my head it is about personality, in sensible girls heads its about personality. You're cute anyways though, Vik. You have a nice smile and pretty eyes. Any girl would be blind if they didn't see that. But Cal, he's been playing the field. He knows when and how to turn on the charm. He's a party animal, so that makes him seem fun and dangerous. You're the nice guy who cares about consistently uploading videos and doing the right thing. Thats not a bad thing though." I say.
"Nice guys finish last." He mumbles.
"Nice guys might struggle to find a girl, but when they do she won't be sleeping around. She'll be better than the bad boy's girl." I tell him.
"Everyone says that but here I am, 20 and single. Can't even have a proper relationship." He says, "Sorry I had to attack you with my relationship problems. I have to go record now, we can talk later."
"Alright. You can talk to me anytime Vik, don't think that you can't. You can trust me, and anyways, I'm good with advice." I tell him. He nods and walks away.

Since its about 6, I want to get supper. I would usually cook something or walk to a pizza joint but I want to get something different and then maybe go around London a little bit more, so I invite Jonathan along. He picks me up and we leave. I'd only told Josh that I'm going because Simon would be mad, he'll find out later, but for now I just want to relax and not worry about drama.
"Do you drive?" Jonathan asks, as we drive down the road in the rain.
"Yeah, I do. I was looking for a car here in London but I couldn't find anything nice that would be good for me." I tell him. I tell him about how my parents offered to pay for a car for me here but I didn't want to spend a lot of their money.
"Theres a car dealership close to here that sells cars for good prices." He says casually.
"Can we go look? I really want to be more independent." I say.
"I think it closes at 7 so we should go now" He says.
We pull into the dealership parking lot and quickly get out. I go to the door of the building and open it slowly. We walk in and look around, theres no one here, but we see the offices in the back have people in them. One of them look over at us and I wave cheerfully. He smiles and gets up quickly. He scurries out of the small room and waddles over to us. He's short and chubby and has a smile plastered from ear to ear.
"Hello, I'm Jeremy. No one usually comes in this late so we weren't prepared. How can I help you?" Jeremy asks enthusiastically.
"We were looking for something small and easy on gas but affordable and safe." Jonathan tells Jeremy. He sounds pretty professional for, well, Jonathan. Jeremy furrows his eyebrows for a second and then his face lights up.
"I have just the thing. Follow me." He says and starts walking towards the back. Jonathan starts walking first and I follow slowly.

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