Chapter 7

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A loud, annoying beeping sound wakes me up. I open my eyes and quickly turn over.
"Uh good morning." I say to Simon who is just getting out of my bed.
"Good morning." He says like this is completely normal. I crawl out of bed and turn off my alarm.
"I'm going to shower." I tell him, grabbing my stuff.
"I'm going to edit some videos, or maybe I'll vlog! Yes. I'm going to start a vlog and also edit." He decides. I just laugh and walk past him to the bathroom.

I get dressed in white jeans, white converse and a blue tie-dye shirt (media) and blow dry my hair. I quickly do my makeup and grab my bookbag (which I conveniently packed Saturday morning) and head downstairs.
"There she is!" JJ yells when I walk into the kitchen.
"Here I am." I say and walk over to the fridge. As I examined the contents of it I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn around and Simon and Vik walk in. "Wow everyone's already awake"
"Yeah, we're all going to get you set up at the school today, remember?" Vik tells me. I shrug and grab an apple.
"We're taking Vik's car, right?" Josh confirms.
"Right." Vik responds.
"I'm sitting in the front with him." Josh tells us.
"Its okay, Liv loves us, right Simon?" JJ exclaims and winks at me.
"Right." Simon laughs and then looks at me. I give him a tiny smile and he mirrors it.

"Lets go!" Josh yells from the door. Simon and I get up from the couch and walk to the door where Josh and JJ are waiting.
"Vik's in the car." JJ tells us when we walk out the door. I pull out my phone and send a quick text to my sister that I'm going to school even though the time difference makes it around midnight for her. I climb into the car and put on my seatbelt, Simon and JJ get in on either side of me making me squished.
"Are you nervous?" Vik asks from the front seat.
"Should I be?" I respond. The guys all laugh but it was a serious question.
"You'll do well. You're smart, nice, hot and-"JJ says but gets cut off by Josh's growling. "By hot I meant, warm, like, temperature." JJ says causing me and Simon to burst into a fit of laughter.
"So, you'll text me your plan for after school, right?" Josh asks.
"Yeah." I answer for the 7th time.
"I want the plan too!" JJ whines.
"Same!" Vik calls to me.
"Send it to me too." Simon says.
"Just make a group chat and send it, okay?" Josh says.
"Okay, I will" I agree.

We pull into the parking lot of a huge brick building.
"It's big, huh?" Simon observes.
"This is my school?" I ask in awe.
"Yep." Simon responds-sounding a bit mad-as I get out of the car.
"Well lets go in then!" JJ exclaims excitedly.

By the time we get to the office the guys have already been recognized about 7 times. It took about 10 minutes when it should've taken 1.
"Nice meeting you all." Simon waves to them as they start to go to their classes.
"Great. Now I'm going to be late." I grumble. Simon places his arm around me to comfort me.
"Hello, I'm here to register Olivia Harris." Josh says to the woman when he walks up to the desk.
"And you're her legal guardian?" The woman asks, skeptically.
"Yes ma'am." Josh responds.
"Did you bring someone else who can witness this and put their contact information incase you're not available?" The woman asks.
"3 others actually, we're all quite busy so if theres ever an emergency you might need to call around a bit." Josh explains to her.
"Well I'm going to call someone to take her to class and to her locker, while you all stay here and sign some documents, sound good?" The woman says, gathering some papers. Josh looks at me sympathetically.
"Sounds good." I say. The woman looks up, shocked by my accent I guess.
"Did you just move here, Olivia?" She asks.
"Yeah, from Seattle." I tell her, knowing she would ask eventually.
"Interesting." She comments and starts getting some things ready for Josh.

After a few minutes a tall, boy with bright green eyes and messy brown hair comes in. He looks like an athlete but also looks very well put together and like he's very smart. He's wearing khakis with a aqua-blue polo shirt tucked into it.
"I'm here for Olivia." He says in a beautiful voice. Not too deep, not too nasally, a bit scratchy but its cute.
"Well, here's your locker number and combination, and you're class schedule with teachers names and room numbers. Also a school manual which I suggest you read, it has information about punishment, extracurriculars, sports and a few rules." The woman tells me handing me a book with a black cover and a few papers on top of it, "Also the pink sheet is saying you have a reason for being late."
"Okay thank you." I tell her.
"Now Jonathan here will take you to class." She says motioning to the boy that's standing in the doorway.
"Hi Olivia, I'm Jonathan." He says, revealing a set of perfect, white teeth.
"Hi." I smile at jonathan, "I guess I'll see you guys after school, bye." I say to Josh, Simon, Jj and Vik, they all wave me goodbye and I follow Jonathan out of the door.
"So, where are you from?" He asks me in that beautiful voice.
"Uh, Seattle, Washington." I tell him.
"I've always wanted to go there." He tells me, it's probably a lie though.
"It's not that great, but maybe I'm just use to it." I tell him honestly.
"Maybe, so why did you move here?" He asks.
"Its sorta complicated, do you have 15 minutes?" I ask sarcastically since we both have class.
"How about after school? Or did you have anything planned already?" He offers.
"Well I was going to go to the library but I guess I can leave that for tomorrow. Okay, we can go to that coffee shop down the street and I can tell you about it." I decide.
"Good, I can't wait. I'll meet you outside the library." He tells me.
"Okay." I respond basically drooling over him.
"And here's your class." He says and shows me a door. He knocks on it and in an instant and mean looking woman is at the door, "This is the new student, Olivia, she's from Seattle."
"Olivia, come in, you can sit in the back beside Catherine." She points me towards the back corner of the room, I sit beside 'Catherine'. She has huge , black, curly  hair and pale skin, she's way taller than me, or appears to be when I'm sitting next to her. She has a slim build and stunningly long eyelashes and light pink lips, her cheeks are flushed and her hazel eyes are bright and happy. My wavy light brown hair and green eyes must look like trash sitting beside her. Great.
"Hey." I say when I get situated in my seat while Jonathan is still talking to the teacher.
"Hello." She says in a soft voice.
"I'm Olivia." I tell her.
"I'm Catherine, but I'm not very fond of that name, so you can just call me 'Cathy' Or 'Cath." She tells me. She sounds very rich-kid-ish. I examine her outfit which is a lilac-purple dress with a silver necklace with about a million diamonds. I wonder if they're real.
"Nice to meet you." I say, trying my very best to sound posh.

When it's lunchtime I go to the bathroom and create the group chat with Josh, Simon, Vik and JJ.

Me~After school I'm going to that coffee shop with Jonathan for a bit then I'll be home.
Josh~Do you want me to pick you up from there?
Me~Nope I should be good
Vik~I hope you're not texting in class;)
Me~It's lunchtime now
Josh~Oh shit! I didn't pack you a lunch! I knew I was forgetting something!
Me~Don't worry, I remembered, I have an apple and a half-empty Gatorade from the fridge
Vik~Hey! That was mine!
Me~Well its mine now, unless you want to come get it
Vik~Grrr, fine. You win this one.

I walk out of the bathroom feeling very nervous, I mean, I don't know anyone here. I see the people from this morning who took selfies with the guys.
"Hi Olivia!" One girl says when I walk past her, "I totally ship you and Simon, hashtag #Silivia, Am I right?"
"Uh, thanks but that kinda sounds like saliva." I tell her.
"Was the cake good?" A short boy asks me.
"No, they said it was disgusting." I respond. They keep me in the hallway asking questions about the sidemen. It's going to be a long day if this keeps up.

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