Chapter 2

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"Miss, miss!" I hear some random woman say, gently shaking me. I open my eyes and look at her before realizing that she's touching me. I quickly sit up straighter and she pulls her hands away. "We're soon landing so you need to buckle your seat belt."
"Okay thank you." I say awkwardly, grabbing the seat belt and shoving it in the buckle after multiple attempts. I turn on my phone to see its 2 pm. I go into settings and change it to London time, so 10 pm. I also have texts from Josh.

Josh~i'm on my way
Josh~See you soon
Josh~I'm here
Josh~Your plane is landing soon
Josh~Why are you ignoring me
Josh~You must be asleep
Josh~if you arent, I'll be very mad young lady
Josh~I sound like a parent
Olivia~Hi Josh, yes I was asleep, it's funny how I sleep for 10 minutes and miss all of the text from you.
Josh~Yeah, bad timing I guess. Okay, I'll see you in like 20 minutes.

I put my shoes on and place my earbuds back in my ears-they must've fallen out while I was sleeping. We stand descending out of the air quickly, I go on my phone and tell Josh that we're here.

I get my luggage and go out into the main part of the airport. It's filled with people, some are hugging, some are talking on their phones, some are just standing around. I scan the room for Josh and Freya before someone comes up behind me.
"Livers!" Josh exclaims, but doesn't hug me, which I appreciate. "This is Freya."
"Uh, hi." I say looking at Josh's extremely gorgeous is-possibly-a-model girlfriend. She smiles at me and waves.
"Lets get out of here." Josh says, motioning for me to follow him. I pull my luggage behind me as we exit the airport.
"Sorta cold for October." I state, shivering.
"Well, we don't live in fucking Jamaica."Josh laughs. "Shit am I allowed to swear around you."
"Yes. Please do actually. It'll make me feel more at home." I tell him, laughing.
"Well, with the guys I live with, that shouldn't be a problem." Josh says. He opens the trunk and puts my huge suitcase in his car.
"Speaking of them, what did you mean
by editing?" I ask.
"Oh right! Well actually I'm a youtuber, and the guys I live with all are too. We're in this group called the Sidemen, its me, JJ, Vik and Simon-who I live with- and then Harry, Ethan and Tobi. We're all best friends." Josh explains to me.
"Youtubers as in I-have-3-subscribers youtubers?" I laugh.
"Youtubers as in we-all-have-over-a-million-subscribers youtubers." Josh says, opening the door for me to get into the back of his car.
"Damn." I whisper to myself, "What do you do on youtube?" I ask.
"We all play video games for a living." He replies, starting the car.
"Like frogger and tetris?"
"No, like Fifa and GTA. Vik plays minecraft too." Josh tells me, laughing at my ideas of video games.
"Oh, sounds like a pretty fucking great job." I say.
"It is really great. We're really lucky. Has anyone ever told you that you have really nice eyes?" Josh asks but its more like a statement.
"Uh, no? They aren't anything special." I lie. People tell me I have pretty eyes all the time but I don't believe it. I'd rather have gorgeous brown eyes.
"I'm surprised. Its almost completely dark in here but it seems like your eyes are glowing. How did you get green eyes? The whole family has brown eyes." Josh says.
"I have no idea." I mumble.

After dropping Freya off we pull into the driveway of a huge brick house. I carry my milkshake-that is now half empty-up to the house. I follow Josh inside and slip my shoes off. Josh is carrying my suitcases upstairs already, leaving me standing awkwardly in the entrance.
"Hi, I'm Vik, you're Olivia, right?" I boy that has light brown skin and is short compared to Josh but is still taller than me, says to me.
"Yeah, thats me." I respond with a smile. He continues to stare, looking fascinated by me.
"Vik stop drooling." A tall blonde boy says, hitting him on the back of the head before walking past him. "Hi, I'm Simon, the hottest guy in this house."
"I'm Olivia." I laugh. This is already 17 times better than my house.
"Olivia, do you have any nicknames? I don't really do full names-oh by the way, I'm JJ." A boy says, laughing, from behind me. I turn to look at him. He's tall and has dark skin. His smile is bright white and his laugh is infectious.
"Olive, Liv, Livers, Vee-Vee." I list to him.
"Liv. Thats simple. By the way, guys, dibs." He says looking at the other guys. I awkwardly sip my milkshake and pretend that I didn't hear that.
"Anyways, liv, your room is across from mine on the top floor. I'm going up to mine now so you can walk up with me if you want." Simon offers. I nod and follow him up the stairs. He gives me a quick house tour as we walk past the rooms. We walk up another set of stairs into a small room with 3 doors.
"The door on the left goes to my room, the door on the right goes to yours, the other one is our bathroom." He points to each. I can see into my room, its empty and white. I walk in and see that there's no sheets on the bed. "You can do whatever you want in here, paint the walls, we're okay with it."
"I sorta like it like this, except for theres one problem. There's no sheets on the bed and I'm already frozen." I laugh, reminding myself about how cold I actually was.
"Shit. Um, fuck alright. Midnight Ikea trip it is." Simon says, checking the time on his phone.

"So we have, this pink zebra print sheet set." The very tired looking sales person says, pointing to a bed to our right that is mostly pink.
"Ew no." I mumble causing Vik to laugh. Josh and Simon were doing more of the talking, Vik and I were just walking behind to say yes or no. JJ stayed home to edit his videos and set up a dresser that Josh had forgotten about.
"Hey what about that one!" Josh says pointing to a completely black bedspread, "It'll match the black desk in her room. Black and white go well together."
"I like it." I say. Black is one of my favourite colors, it's soothing.
"We'll take that one." Simon confirms. We follow the man to the cash register and the guys talk between themselves.
"Hey, are you alright?" Simon asks me, "You're waving around like you have no balance."
"I'm just tired. I only slept for a few minutes on the plane." I tell him.

I wake up in my bed. I can't remember leaving the store or driving back but here I am. I flip over to see the digital clock says 3:17 am. I get up and change into grey sweatpants and a black sweater before walking downstairs.
"Hey you're awake!" JJ says, coming face to face with me when he walks around the corner to go to his bedroom.
"Yeah, could you show me where the kitchen is downstairs? I didn't expect anyone to be up so I thought I would have to go on a little adventure but this will be quicker." I tell him. He laughs and turns around. I follow him as he walks down the stairs.
"Around here we're awake until this time every night. Josh fell asleep an hour ago and thats an early night for him." JJ tells me. I follow him into a brightly lit room with all stainless steel appliances.
"Hey Olivia. How are you?" Vik asks, drinking something out of a mug.
"I'm good, still exhausted though. I just needed some water." I say walking in. JJ walks over and gets me a cup from the cabinet and pushes it against a dispenser on the fridge. He hands me a glass of water. "Uh, thanks."
"You might want to invest in some ear plugs. We all record at ridiculous hours so it might be hard to sleep." Vik warns me, laughing a bit.
"I'll keep that in mind, I'm going back to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I tell them, walking sluggishly out of the kitchen back ip to my room.

This is already so much better than Seattle, this is going to be great.

The Unfathomable Girl // A Sidemen FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant