Chapter 10

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I sit on the bleachers and watch as Jonathan and a bunch of guys I've seen once or twice run around and kick the balls at the net and do whatever else they do. I pull out my phone and see a text from Simon.

Mr.minter~Where are you?

I smile at it even though I know he's going to be pissed, its cute that he cares.

Me~I'm at the school watching Jonathan play football then we're going to hang out. I should be home by 8.

I text back quickly. I honestly feel sorta bad for hanging out with Jonathan, but I like him-as a friend, of course- and I have no other friends at school. The problem is that Simon doesn't like him. Simon never came out and said he didn't like him but the first time we saw him, in the office yesterday, Simon already seemed to hate him, and yesterday I think I heard him and Josh having a fight. I just heard Simon saying 'How could you let her hangout with a guy she doesn't know!' and 'She could've got raped or killed!' and 'She went out tonight alone, too! She could've been hurt!'. He won't be happy when I get home tonight. I feel my phone vibrate and slowly unlock it.

Mr.minter~ok then.

Fuck. Now he's mad at me. I automatically press the call button and put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" I hear his familiar voice say.
"Hey, Simon. What's wrong? Why are you mad?" I ask.
"Because I don't like you hanging out with people I don't know. Its not safe. I care about you Liv. If anything ever happened to you I-"He tells me but I cut him off.
"Simon, Jonathan is a good guy and you have nothing to worry about. I need to have at least one friend at school, or else I'll be all alone." I say.
"You wont be alone. You'll have me and the guys." He tells me.
"Not at school. And you guys have your shit to do anyways. I need a friend to gossip about teachers with and do our homework together and experience highschool together, I'm so glad I have you and the guys, Simon, but I need at least one friend at school." I tell him, hoping he'll understand.
"What about Tobi's brother? Manny, I think you might've met him. He goes to your school. He's just in year 12, thats only 1 grade higher than you!" He exclaims.
"I don't know, Simon." I say awkwardly. The truth is I saw Manny yesterday and he seemed like he didn't want anything to do with me, actually he's playing soccer right now with Jonathan.
"Please try, Liv. We know and trust Manny. He's easy to get along with. I can try to get him to come over." Simon pleads.
"You can try but I'm not sure he likes me. He might just blow you off as soon as you bring me up." I say.
"It doesn't hurt to try. Okay, once you hang up I'll call him." Simon decides, happily.
"His practice gets over at like 4:30, so call him then." I tell him.
"Alright. I guess I'll see you later." Simon says.
"Well I do live with you." I say smugly before hanging up.

Simon's Point Of View (POV)

The line beeps indicating she hung up. I check the time, it's 3:17. I guess I'll edit The Very Best (his main Fifa series) then call Manny.

"Hello?" Manny answers when he picks up.
"Hey Manny, its Simon. Do you want to come over. Tobi and Ethan are here too." I say.
"Uh sure. I'll be over in a bit. I just have to freshen up. By the way, whats up with Josh's cousin and Jonathan?" He asks.
"We'll talk later. See you soon." I say and hang up. I go downstairs and sit at the island in the kitchen with Josh, Ethan, JJ and Tobi. Vik is recording or editing.
"Hey Simon." Tobi greets me.
"Hey man." I respond. I check the time.  4:37. Manny will be here in like 10 minutes, Olivia will be home in like 3 and a half hours, "I invited Manny over."
"Okay, I want to record with him." Josh says.
"Alright, but I need to talk to him when he arrives." I tell them.
"About what?" Josh asks.
"Well Olivia has been becoming friends with that Jonathan guy, they're hanging out right now actually, and I want details and maybe I can convince him to be friends with her." I tell them.
"Yeah they're going to Nandos or something." Ethan says.
"Wait, so like a date?" I ask casually but on the inside I'm fuming.
"I guess so." Ethan says.
"But at least she has a friend." JJ says.
"There's something about Jonathan that I don't like." I growl. The doorbell chimes and I hurry to get it.

Once I get all the guys in the kitchen-excluding Vik because he's recording- I start this 'meeting'.
"Manny, I wanted you to come here because-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Because of Olivia and Jonathan? I know, I figured that out on the way here." Manny says.
"Okay. Well tell me about him because I don't know him and somethings about him makes me not like him, maybe if I know more about him I will change my mind." I say.
"Listen. Don't let my opinion sway you, but I hate his guts." Manny tells us casually.
"Why?" Josh asks, suddenly a little more interested.
"Well, everytime theres a new girl he always becomes best friends with them. I think he just wants to get laid, it's working though. At the beginning of the school year we got 4 new students that were girls and he put on his smile and charmed the shit outta them and he got laid." Manny tells us. I feel my hands curl into fists and I can see that Josh isn't too happy either, "Plus he's kinda a fuck and chuck kinda guy because he hasn't talked to any of those new girls since he fucked them, and he's a dick anyways. He thinks he's the shit and he thinks he's so good at football but he can't even kick the ball right. I avoid him as much as possible since he annoys the fuck outta me, once he tried to sit at my table at lunch and one of my friends punched him in the face."
"And Olivia's going out with this dick tonight? Great." Josh mumbles before getting up and leaving the room. We also hear the door open and slam shut. Josh is either going to Freya's, just going to drive, or going to get Olivia, and I hope its the last one.
"When you told me she was going to my school, I was going to try to be her friend but when I saw her she was with him and like I said, I avoid him, so I just went the other way." Manny tells us, "If I see her tomorrow I'll try to talk to her, but if he's there, I can't promise anything."
"Thanks Manny, I appreciate it." I say. Thank god for Manny.
"And if the little prick hurts her, I will punch him in the face without hesitation." JJ laughs but we all know he's serious. JJ has kinda grown an attachment to Olivia, not in a romantic way, but like a protective best friend.
"And I'd help you with that." Ethan says. Ethan and Olivia aren't really close, but he's still protective. I guess in a way we're all protective, we've never had a girl in our lives thats like Olivia I guess. We have our mothers and sisters and our ex-girlfriends, but Olivia is like a little sister/best friend to all of us. She's so likeable and nice and funny, we just all love her. I'm pretty sure that she feels most safe around JJ, Josh and I, but I might be wrong, why wouldn't she feel most safe around Ethan? He's been in 6 fights and won all of them, I've never even thrown a real punch.
"Simon!" Vik says.
"Oh, hey Vik, when did you get here?" I ask.
"Like 3 minutes ago, I've been talking to you but you've been kinda spaced out." Vik says,
"He was thinking about Olivia." Tobi says.
"Shut up, Tobi. Just be glad that Josh wasn't around to hear you say that or else you would've got punched in the face." I warn him.
"Josh already figured out that you and Olivia are kinda a thing." Tobi says.
"Great." I murmur.

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