Chapter 1

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"She was just farting! Over and over and over, it was like getting punched in the face repeatedly!" My father tells us, swinging his fists in the air. I hear my mother, who is driving, laughing. My sister and brother, who are on either side of me, are laughing too. I just stare at the road, concentrating on the music coming from the radio. It's a country song, and that's more like getting punched in the face repeatedly.

I stare out the windshield, the rain is pouring down outside, like it always seems to in Seattle. I've grown to love the rain, something about the darkness that the clouds cast over the city seems to be soothing, almost therapeutic to me. I like wearing sweaters and warm clothes-usually black clothing, like today(media)- and being able to bundle up in my bed with a book and cup of tea. I like to go on Twitter and Tumblr. I'd be happier staying inside all day. It's a completely different story with the rest of my family. They love sunny warm days, and being able to go out to a lake, or go back to my parents friends house and chill out at their pool.

My family is what you would consider 'Redneck', not like Honey-Boo-Boo or anything, but they like their beer, and camo everything, if it has anything to do with mud, they're in. My brother and sister shoot BB guns for fun and could go four wheeling through the woods forever. They're different then everyone else in our family. All my aunts and uncles are nothing like them, and thats what made my mom want to ship me off. When I say that, its not like she wanted to get rid of me, none of them did, but they knew that I had no interest in anything that they were doing. My mom set it up for me to go stay with her first cousin, Josh. Its sort of strange to think I'm staying with him, He's only 23 so 7 years older then me. Plus I haven't seen him in 8 years. I was texting him the other day,since I want to know this guy a bit better seeing as I'm going to live with him, and he told me he lives with 3 other guys, but not to tell my mom that or else I probably couldn't stay there, and even though a lot of people wouldn't want to move halfway across the world to live with some guy she barely knows, I'll do anything to get out of Seattle.

"Oh honey! I'm going to miss you so much! Text me everyday, or Skype us! Tell me everything you do." My mom tells me, kissing the top of my head. Another thing that makes me not fit in with my family, they're all pretty tall, and I'm 5'3. I haven't grown since I was 13.
"I will mom. Don't worry." I respond, although I already know I'm lying. I probably won't tell her everything, or text her everyday.
"Bye biscuit. I'll miss you." My dad says and hugs me. "Remember, you have your credit card for anything you want. It might be hard to get a job in London so we won't get mad if you spend money." That's another thing about my family-even though they're 'rednecks' they're wealthy. My mom and dad are both CEO's of huge businesses.
"Well, bye." My older brother, Austin, says. He pulls me in for a tight hug before waving me goodbye. I give him a smile grin before moving on.
"Bye Olive." My younger sister, Casey, snorts.
"Shut it you fucking quesadilla." I laugh before hugging her.
"I'm going to miss you Liv." She tells me, tears forming in her eyes.
"I'm going to miss you too. Text me whenever, okay?" I comfort her. She nods and then steps back to stand with the rest of my family. I wave at them before turning around and walking into the airport.

"Olivia Harris." The woman that's checking my passport says before looking up at me. "London is just as rainy there as it is here."
"I like the rain." I tell her, tapping my foot on the ground nervously. She hands me my ticket and smiles.
"A one way ticket to London. What a lovely thing. Have a nice trip." She says politely. I thank her and move on to security.

After I get through security I get a refresher from Starbucks and sit down at gate 11 to wait for my plane. I feel my phone vibrate.

Josh~Flight details plz?
Me~Plane takes off in an hour at 5am-my time. 9 hour flight so I'll get there around 2 pm-my time. So 10 pm your time.
Josh~Okay 10 pm. Then we can go get Mcdonalds or something. Can I bring the guys or should I leave them at the house?
Me~You can bring them or leave them. It'll be fine either way I guess.
Josh~Okay, I'll come alone, Vik, Simon and JJ will be editing.
Josh~I'll explain when I see you. Actually, can I bring Freya? She's my girlfriend
Josh~Okay I'll see you soon livers
Josh~I use to call you livers. and you called me oshy.
Me~Okay, then see you soon oshy.
Josh~ Haha alright. Should I bring I sign? I'm pretty artsy XD
Me~Um no its okay XD
Josh~Okay, I'll see you later

I go on Tumblr for what seems like a few minutes but was actually a long time because I notice people getting up from my gate to board the plane. I grab my back pack and hurry over to the line of people.

I sit in my seat, which is first class so there's nobody beside me. That's another thing about me; I don't like people. Okay, well, I don't like having to be close to people I don't know, or talk to random people, or have people touch me, like in gym class when you have to hold hands with your partner that your gym teacher chose, it makes me cringe. It's different if its my best friend, Elle, or if its my family, but random people? That's not okay. I'm what a lot of people would call anti-social. I'd just rather be alone.

"Flight 349 to London, England, is now preparing for take off. Please secure your seat belts and place your tray in the up-right position." The male voice echoes throughout the plane. I close my eyes and shove my earbuds in.

Please, please, please, god, if you're real, please let Josh and his friends not be creeps and also please let the plane serve good food and not crash. Thanks big guy.

The Unfathomable Girl // A Sidemen FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now