Just like most of James' grass types.

Well...Cacnea was more of a hugger.

Oh well.



Involves: Hoopster trainer class and Marshal

Reaction: Ookay.

Marshal specializes on Fighting types.

Hoopster trainer class...you get it.

Shaquille O'Neal has a fighting game called Shaq Fu. It was released in 1994.

Shaq has a lot of games and movies. And he was involved in all that while he was playing in the NBA.



Involves: Ash, Barry, Bianca

Reaction: Well...they're very impulsive people.

Freaking triangles.



Involves: Paul and Lyra

Reaction: Well...

Paul shattered Lyra's heart?

I don't know.

They shatter something, I guess.

They never met, so that's okay. I'm pretty sure Paul was not in the Johto in Sinnoh arc.



Involves: Ash and Dawn, assuming they are long lost siblings

Reaction: Well...gotta go.

I mean...uh...I don't really get the name.

I also don't get why there are ships that assume they are long lost siblings.

What does Shauna have to do with this?

Does this involve another Shauna?

Who is this another Shauna?



Involves: Drew and Elesa

Reaction: Puh-lease. You guys aren't shockingly hot. You guys are only kinda hot.


Okay...maybe Elesa can be. She is a model.

Actually not all models are hot, but many people drool over models so that's something.

The shocking part comes from Elesa being an electric type gym leader.

So...that makes Drew the hot one?




Involves: Kenny and Zoey

Reaction: Hmm..

It is a fairly popular ship. I've seen some fanfics that feature this ship.

For the name, I'm not really sure why. Maybe because they shoot Dawn down in the contest ranks or something.

It makes sense that some people ship this. It's an okay ship for me.

They are both Dawn's rivals. They get along. They have respect for each other's skills.



Involves: Brock and May

Reaction: They love to shop so yeah.

I don't ship, but if you do, then awesome.



Involves: Max and Dawn

Reaction: Eh.

They like showing off...I guess. Max likes showing off his smartness. Dawn likes showing off her skills...I guess.



Involves: Ash, Drew, Paul

Reaction: HAHA

Shuu = Drew

Shi = Ash (Satoshi) and Paul (Shinji)

It makes sense if Gary was here too. His Japanese name is Shigeru.

I'm now craving for sushi.


Kinda shorter than usual. My laptop has been heating up quicker than before. More details in that one post from 'Hey...' I feel like my laptop would die at any minute. It scares me.

So...what ship mentioned in this part is your favorite?

In the next part, we still continue in the S ships.


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