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-Hey guys, first of all I'd like to say that a couple of things in this chapter and the next one really happened. You can read it in Bright lights and dark shadows and it must be horrible for them especially for Agnetha and Frida and I'm not trying to make a joke out of it. However I hope you'll enjoy it (: -

During the tour through Europe many years ago, ABBA learned for the first time what it means to stay under big pressure and what it means to handle the enormous popularity.
This was just child's play compared to what'll wait for them on the other side of the world.

As ABBA on Sunday, February 27th 1977 at 8:50pm on the Kingsford-Smith Airport in Sydney landed, the most exciting, but also craziest two weeks of their career began.
The headline in the most famous Australian newspaper was just "They're here!" And everybody knew who 'They' are.
No stop in Brisbane or Canberra was planned so people went to the newspaper and started to tell rumours. F.e. a woman from Brisbane said that Benny and Frida would live in 'wild-marriage' and were bad role models for the Australian youth, which wasn't true for sure.
11 concerts were planned in these 2 weeks with over 145.000 people. ABBA had to fight with the undescribable mass hysteria, obtrusive fans and the media. "This is totally crazy.." Agnetha said and Benny and Björn kept smiling for the camera "it is" Frida agreed. After a couple photoshoots and the press conference ABBA arrived in their hotel. Hundred of fans were waiting outside, the police was everywhere.

March 3rd, it was time for their first concert. The weather wasn't good it rained, they haven't had enough time for a sound check so they needed to pray that everything will go well. The heavy rain wouldn't stop and the stage was wet. "We have to look after the cable, nobody needs and electric shock!" Stig yelled "I'm nervous!" Agnetha said in the dressing room "me too..we have to be careful the stage is wet as fuck.." Frida replied and the show started. After a couple of songs they sang Waterloo and suddenly Frida slipped on the wet floor and fell down. "Fuckkk" she thought but the show must go on, Benny hoped that his wife was okay. They finished the first concert and backstage Agnetha, Benny and Björn stormed to Frida. "Are you okay??" Agnetha asked "I have a bruised hip and two sprained hurts.." Frida answered "we'll go back to the hotel and get some rest" Benny said and after all got changed he picked his wife up and went straight to the car.
"We could have died, the cable were wet, what if one of us would have got an electric shock?" Agnetha said still shocked "thank God it didn't happen.. we had it under control and as you've seen, even Stig crawled over the stage to hold it as dry as possible" Björn answered "I can't believe that they screamed constantly our names without a break!! That was amazing" Benny said and Björn agreed, the girls just wanted to go to bed. This day was hard enough..but nothing compared to the upcoming ones..

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