Happy Hawaii? Pt. 1

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The next morning has come, Agnetha and Björn were already awake, well it's 11.30am.

"The breakfast was amazing and my headache is gone" Agnetha smiled and drank her coffee "Yes it was, I wonder if Benny and Frida are awake?" He asked "They were drunk yesterday" Agnetha replied, laughing.
"We were too, honey" "but we do sport to keep us fit and we're always awake early because of the kids. Their kids don't live with them it may be change because of Faye but the only sport they do is fuck each others brains out" Agnetha answered and both burst out into laughter "true that" Björn grinned "let's wake them, they have to be at the airport soon" he added.
As Agnetha agreed, they walked down the floor to Benny's and Frida's room. Björn knocked more than once, without getting a response.
"Maybe they are downstairs" he wondered "I don't think so, the door isn't locked" Agnetha replied and walked quietly into the dark room. "Fridaa?, Bennyy?" Björn asked quietly, suddenly Frida woke up "huh?? Who died?" She asked confused and was still half asleep, "Nobody is..ah wait I'll turn the light on" Björn replied "I dare you Ulvaeus! Don't turn it on" Frida said and three the blanket fast over Benny and herself. Björn took a step backward and turned the light on with his elbow.
"Goddd it's too bright!" Frida yelled, pulling the blanket over her eyes. Agnetha put her hand over her eyes "Uhm..Frida?" Agnetha said "Yes?" "Why on earth are you both lying on a broken bed with blankets covered it blood?" She asked, looking away "looks like you both had a great night" Björn smirked and Benny woke up "Why so loud at this time?" He turned around to the others "good morning, you know you both have to be at the airport soon" Agnetha replied "shit I forgot" Benny laughed as he and Frida stand up pulling the blankets around their bodies "we'll drive you both now come on Mrs. Andersson, hurry up!" Agnetha laughed. Frida walked into the bathroom and Agnetha and Björn smirked at Benny as they saw her back. "What are you both smirking at?" Benny wondered "Good night eh?" Björn smirked "ohh the best" he replied, getting dressed. "So how did the bed..- ahh forget it I don't want to know" Agnetha said as all laughed.

An hour later the ABBA- gang was on their way to the airport. "I hope you both will enjoy it" Björn smiled "Yes I think we will" Benny answered winking at Frida "And don't dare to spend your time with writing songs!" Agnetha said "Yasss Aggie" Frida laughed. As soon as they arrived, Agnetha and Björn said goodbye to them and drove back to the hotel. Benny and Frida went onto the plain and were ready for Hawaii...

-True Love lasts forever.-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang