Honey, Honey

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A few months later..
Frida is now pregnant for 9 months and each day she could give birth to her baby now.
"I'm so fat!" Frida cried, staring into the mirror, "You're not fat, you're pregnant and you're still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" Benny smiled from behind "I love you Benny" she sniffed "I love you too my princess". Suddenly it knocked on the door, Agnetha and Björn came to see their friends. "Hellooo there" Agnetha smiled and hugged Benny and Frida "Heyy" Frida smiled "soo Frida you have to be serious and tell me, when are you planning to get the baby out of you?" Björn said jokingly "Ughh I hope soon because walking is so hard" she laughed, wiping her tears away "Yeahh I can imagine. You walk like a penguin into the studio" Björn replied and Benny and Agnetha laughed loud "But I'm still adorable..well kinda.." Frida grinned "Alright you penguins, let's go in the garden and have some drinks it's so hot today" Benny said and the fab four went into the garden and sat down.
"I guess I'll give birth to a watermelon.., a damn kicking watermelon.." Frida laughed and hold her hand on her stomach "Awh soon it'll be born and then you'll be able to walk normal again...do other things again.." Agnetha smirked "Yeahh stop smirking I know what you mean. First I'd be happier when I'll be able to see my feet again" Frida replied and both laughed out loud.
"9 months..man woman are pregnant for such a long time, my my and if you say something wrong you will loose.." Benny said and Björn nodded "It's horrible when they start to cry for no reason and give you the fault for everything "Ohh yes" Benny laughed.
Hours of sitting in the garden passed by, Frida didn't felt very well, the pain was coming back she had days ago but this time stronger than before.
"Woaa are you okay you don't look well?" Agnetha looked at her best friend worried "No not really, I have  this terrible pain again in my stomach" Frida said hard breathing trying to get up with Agnetha's help and then something has burst.
"Oooo fuck! I guess the baby is coming!" Frida looked at her "Nowww??" "The amniotic sac broke!" Frida said but where are Björn and Benny again? Of course sitting by the piano and guitar "BENNYYYY!!! FÅ DIN RÖV HÄR TILL MIG, BARNET ÄR PÅ VÄG!!!" Frida screamed and Benny stormed out into the garden "Let's go, fast!!" Benny jumped around and all went to the car into the hospital.

-In the hospital..-

Benny and Frida are in the room together while Agnetha and Björn are waiting on the floor.
She layed down and Benny was looking at his love with pain, while Frida was breathing heavily and was about to cry Benny tried to calm her down "baby jag är här, bara andas, kan du göra det" he said "Oooo kommer du käften nu? för guds skull stänga munnen! Jag älskar dig och jag uppskattar verkligen det, du vill hjälpa men hålla tyst" Frida shouted between the breathes as the doctor  in. "Are you ready to give birth Mrs Andersson?" The doctor asked "I wouldn't be here if not and I am not Mrs Andersson!" She shouted "Hopefully you'll be Mrs Andersson soon" Benny whispered quietly with a smirk.
"Okay, okay, now take a deep breath and push!" And Frida does, she screamed loud, having the worst pain, Benny still holding her hand as she started sweating so much. It hurt him to see his love like this. "And again..push!!" And she pushed again. After hours in pain and totally out of power, a baby was born...

The doctor layed the baby down on her chest. "Congratulations, it's a very healthy girl." The doctor smiled and left.  Frida still hard breathing couldn't hold back the tears and neither could Benny.. finally their first baby together..
"She's so beautiful, like her mom. I'm so unbelievably proud of you princess" Benny whispered, kissing Frida's cheek.  She couldn't stop smiling "Without your help I couldn't have done it" she replied and Benny kissed her with the biggest smile. It knocked on the door quietly, Agnetha and Björn entered the room, "Congratulations you both, well done she's perfect!" Agnetha smiled, hugging Benny and Frida. "Well done Lyngstad, you made it." Björn smiled and hugged her and walked to Benny and hugged him too "man I'm so happy for you". "Do you want to hold her?" Frida smiled at Benny "Of course" he replied excited and Frida gave him his baby, he couldn't hold back his tears "My precious daughter.." he whispered, Agnetha and Björn smiled like little kids who got ice cream because they both never thought that Benny and Frida would have kids together.
"From this moment on, you'll be my little princess because your mommys a Queen now." Benny gave Frida a warm smile and she blushed
"Have you both a name for her?" Björn wondered  and Frida and Benny just stared at each other and in a choir both answered "Faye..Faye Andersson" "That's a wonderful name, I'll be the uncle who gets her lots of ice cream and all" Björn said and all laughed.
"We should leave them alone, we could come again tomorrow if you want to?" Agnetha asked "We'd love that" Frida smiled as Agnetha and Björn said goodbye. "Frida look, she's sleeping in my arms" Benny smiled proud "It looks so cute" she replied. And with the baby in his arms, Benny layed down next to Frida in the bed so they could cuddle up with each other.
Soon they fell happily asleep and Benny planned the wedding in his dreams..

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