Chapter 2

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" is your name Karla or Camila? And what the hell was that?" Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, she was utterly confused about what was going on and who exactly the girl was.

"Okay, you're probably confused so--"

"Damn right, I'm confused as fuck. What just happened?" Lauren interrupted Camila and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. My full name is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. I usually go by the name Camila Cabello though." Camila said and Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"So...I can call you Camila?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"And those paps...why were they after you?" Lauren asked, she had figured out that Camila was famous but she didn't know for what.

"I'm a singer." Camila answered and Lauren nodded slowly.

"So...are you widely-known?"

"Yes. I have done a world tour and four other tours and have had many radio hits...Does this change your view of me?" Camila asked nervously. Usually when someone found out that Camila was famous, they would manipulate or take advantage of Camila and her fame and money.

"No, Kar-Camila. Of course not. You're still you and I will treat you like a person." Lauren sternly said and Camila nodded. Camila was nervous of what Lauren could possibly be thinking of her right now. She expected the worst.

The two stared at each other awkwardly and Lauren was the first to speak up. "I-uh, I'm going to go now. It was really nice meeting you, Camz." Lauren smiled politely. To be honest, Lauren was kind of frustrated that Camila hadn't told her who she actually was.

Lauren didn't seem like that type of person...right?

Lauren went and grabbed her Vanilla Bean accidentally brushing her fingertips with Camila's hand. Lauren proceeded to leave until she heard a raspy voice.

"Wait." Lauren looked over her shoulder to see Camila walking towards her.

"You're just leaving? Just like that? You aren't even going to try and ask me to hang out again or anything?" Camila asked, feeling a surge of confidence go through her because she did want to hang out with the green eyed girl again. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

" Is..Is that a problem?" Lauren questioned and Camila sighed.

"I-I was just looking forward to maybe seeing you again." Camila looked down and Lauren chuckled.

"You're here on break, right?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded, tilting her head to the side.

"For how long?"

"Two months. Maybe a little longer, depends." Camila said slowly not knowing where Lauren was going with this.

"Good. For most of these days, I'm going out to different places, and your place here is close to my house. This is somewhere I pass by to get coffee or something, or when I run. You're a social butterfly, aren't you?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded once again.

"Then you'll see me around. Bye, Camz."

"Wait! What's your last name?" Camila called out.

"I already told you. You forgot that quick? Well, maybe I'll tell you when we meet again." Lauren winked and walked out the door, leaving.

"Ah fuck, she's so cute." Camila groaned as she grabbed her phone to call her best friend, Dinah, to get her ass over to her house to talk about it.


Lauren made her way to the gym after that deciding to work out for a bit. She was running on the treadmill listening to Lana Del Rey, Shades of Cool, when Normani interrupted it, calling Lauren.

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