0.24: Weekend

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From this chapter forward I will include more details about each character that has been introduced. This chapter is actually being published somewhere by the end of this school year and I'm ultimately stoked for it. Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. This chapter overall may turn into something bigger than itself later on down the line but Figments is where it truly belongs.

Weekend (x00x)


-Title inspired by "Weekend"- Mac Miller x Miguel

Context- Inspired by: the song itself, Fantasy by Alina Baraz and Galimatias, which my dear friend shared with me, multiple times before, I finally decided to check it out. Do You by Miguel but a remix by Cashmere Cat. Current struggles I had been going through and the desire to simply explore a conflicting soul.

Exposed thighs and natural silky skin under the moonlight.

Heels clacking against the cement, eager to reach the entrance.

The vibrations of the base, explored her temple before she could even get to the door.

Unusual feelings corrupted her and the friend who she walked in with.

The beat face that lacked a natural highlight, grabbed everyone's attention.

Figures she's never seen before greeted her.

Purest form of beauty was evident.

--- Long nails buried into her friend's skin. She held onto the thicker wrist for dear life. The attention she was receiving wasn't unfamiliar but the emotions of the previous weeks, had been. Everything that went right in her life seemed to be going left. The things she thought she left; irresponsibility, troublesome problems, and old flames, weren't gone like she believed they were. Perusal, they came back to haunt her. She should've known. A frequent cycle that had a beginning but no end. The opportunities she believed she had in her grasp, belonged to someone else. The art school she applied to denied her of entry, after everything she had been through. The hard work, the tears, the judgement; it meant nothing. They didn't care, it was self-evident. She knew what she was getting herself into and she couldn't blame them, it wasn't their fault and that was something she was aware of. The news wasn't devastating. So many people doubted her before and apparently, they were right. However, another opportunity presented itself beforehand, one she didn't expect. However, what she really craved, should've affected her more than it did. It bothered her for sure but handling her feelings wasn't something she had the desire to do. It could always wait. Inspiration leaked from her temple in a dramatic manner and there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing at all. She had done everything. Nature was going against her and she wasn't going to rub her head against it, not anymore anyways. Everything was so wrong. She was going out tonight.

Wide hips pressed against her and the two girls pushed through the crowd. A toxic natural smell of the earth found its way into her lungs. The urge to cough consumed her but she didn't give in. Coughing and wheezing would only make her feel more awkward than she usually did, although she had no reason to. She was beautiful. Every ounce, every inch of her was astonishing. She knew she was lovely in some context but she didn't honor or appreciate certain parts of what made her who she was. The skin tight two piece set she wore only made her feel more awkward. The exposed material that showed off diamond like flesh, clung to her. It even exposed what little curves she did have. It wasn't the outfit that made her feel the way she did, if anything she felt like she was walking on water but the fact that she was simply there, made her feel as if she was sharing how vulnerable she was with everything that had an old soul.

She felt herself growing distant, even as her friend dragged her along through the crowd of people. Her thoughts consumed her at random, for multiple reasons, without a beginning but an end.

The air was thick and the base she felt explore her before she hit the door, explored her once again. Her friend stopped in her tracks, causing her to ram straight into her.

"Sorry." She croaked. Gasping, she drew the hand that didn't settle itself on the wrist of her friend and placed it around her throat. She didn't realize how dry it had gotten from the air until now. Without saying a word, her friend simply removed her hand from her wrist and replaced it with her palm. Spinning her around, she laughed and encouraged her to dance. The shy, innocent act that wasn't necessarily an act, wasn't going to work with her dear friend tonight. Shyly, she began to move her hips to the beat of the music and her friend followed her. Although she loved to dance and she was feeling the music that consumed the unfamiliar house, her thoughts dragged its bony fingers against her skull and taunted her. Her hips continued to move and she felt her friend inch closer as she inched further and further way.

Earthy toxins and decade old rum traveled up her nose and called for her.

Fingers dug themselves into her hips and minty breathe trickled along her neck, only to explore her spine.

The girl who planned to run off to art school, remove herself from an agency and become a freelance model, explore the world and everything in between. Explore others and herself. Find everlasting bliss in everything she was producing and become fond of it.

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