0.9: Gone

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Typically I name the chapters beforehand. Certain songs inspire the chapters to a certain extent . However, they are not based on the actual songs themselves .

"I'm falling
'Cause I'm numb from the neck down
I'm sorry"
-The Weeknd (Gone)

"You know," She begin to trail off. He muttered a hmm and began to listen. " I don't think I despise or envy anyone you're involved with . I almost feel bad for them." She stated, fiddling with her fingers. "Ya'know. It's sad. They're settling themselves up for failure. You're not capable of loving anyone anymore."

Tension filled the room within a matter of seconds as he took in a shaky breath of air.

Hearing her say those words, sadness thick in her diction, hurt him.

Every inch held a certain emotion to it. She didn't sugar coat it and try to hide how she felt. She let every inch of venom drip from her voice and into him. Attacking his cells and flowing throughout his blood stream until he felt every ounce of emotion that she throwing onto him.

He was speechless.

She didn't hate herself for loving him but she wouldn't wish what they had on anyone. The relationship wasn't stable at this point in time. It had been like a rough patch of skin and it was growing thick; getting harder to manage. Her image of their love was molding her in a negative way. The two weren't viewing things the same anymore.

Love couldn't be confined and shaped with out both partners willing to work out their differences. Explanations were needed. Reasons were needed and a better understanding needed to be introduced. New terms needed to float into mid air and shape the substances. Something needed to shift.

Although, she didn't necessarily mean what she had said, she wanted him to feel the pain she felt. The pain she had tired to hide from him and protect him from. She didn't feel loved by him. No matter how much he would try to show her, he would do something that seemed off to her. It wasn't his fault. How could anyone blame him? She lacked the desirable attention he craved so he'd find someone else who would return the intellectual conversations they once had. Evening the meaningless ones would consume another soul and he and another would mend their hearts together; replacing what the original pair once had .

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