0.20: PIM

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"Could you lie to me?
Lie to me so sweet.
Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah, I know exactly what this is. "
"Cause I don't want to believe anyone is just like me."
- Miguel: PIM


"You always wanna talk, go talk to her. I didn't have a problem because we're cool but seriously? No. Don't call me claiming you wanna talk but she's all I hear in the background."

"You do realize, crying isn't a hobby? I don't like crying, Daniel!"

"Sh. It's not even like that. Chill."

"Chill? How about you go chill? That's what you've been doing all along anyways."


"No. I don't even care anymore." She began to sob. "I hate you." She breathed out.

"Hey, no you don't." He shushed her.

"Oh but I do. I hate you. I hate you with everything in me. You can go talk to whomever. Be happy. That's all I ever wanted anyways, ya'know. For you to be happy. I guess somewhere along those lines I thought you could be happy with me, but I realized that's simply impossible. All I ever wanted was you, but I deserve better."

"What are you saying?" He croaked back through the other line.

"I'm saying, we're not infinite."

"Don't say that. We're forever."

"I was stupid to believe that. I fell hopelessly in love with someone I hardly knew. I thought I knew you but I obviously didn't."

Aria began to pace back and forth, her knit socks causing friction against the material carpet.

"I love you. You're talking reckless."

"You are reckless. I just wanted you to lie to me, Daniel. For you to just love me for me. I didn't know I wasn't meeting your standards. I didn't even know you had standards."

Moments like these were ones that were sure to make Aria howl, if she was the bystander. She wasn't however. She was involved in the situation and she was going off the deep end. It was almost as if she was truly the victim.

"Wow. Ok."


"Guess that's how you've always felt. Wish you would've told me this a while ago."

"That's not true but recently, most definitely."


"You know what, Lanae?" She asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"What?" Lanae sighed.

"People change; they grow. People find who they are and then they remove what becomes a burden in their life. They grow apart."

"He knowingly does what he does..to hurt me. He does it because he believes I don't know and because he has his way with me." She stated, taking to fingers and clashing them into her temple. "It's a simple mind game. I'm just another toy." Aria huffed, shaking her head in disbelief. "That's not love."

Lanae stared at her friend, her lips parted.

"Love is bigger than itself yet larger than it appears." Aria muttered, no longer filtering the words that escaped her mouth. Nothing registered or made sense but it didn't matter at this point.

A/N: Honestly, I just wanted this to be 0.18.
           I have multiple chapters that are legitimately fragments like this. A conflict but no resolution or enough scenery details for me to be content with the passage. I usually try to avoid chapters this short but it happens. The book is called Figments for a reason so I guess it all works out.

    Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a wonderful day.

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