0.1 : Ur

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"Can't seem to remember your face " -SZA (Ur)

Hands gripped onto the leather trimming of the steering wheel, his finger tips danced along the uneven trimming to the beat of the song. No expression was on his face as he waited at the red light.
"Can I have a fry?" He questioned, looking to the girl that sat to the right of him, in the passengers seat. She sat quietly ,chewing on her salty fries. She looked over and stared at the figure for a moment only to look back into the bag that contained her fries. Grabbing one, the figure removed a hand from the wheel and took it gratefully.

"Thanks." He said, pressing onto the gas when the light turned green.

"Welcome." She croaked, smiling slightly.

        The backstreets of Atlanta were completely empty as the two young adults cruised along. The moon lit the sky along with a few lamppost. Lights were dangling from the trees, like they did every night and majority of the buildings that surrounded the two were closed. Everything was unrealistic; this moment was finally real. No more craving the day when the two met. No desire to crave ones' attention at any given moment. The two were finally together and it seemed completely different. There was a sense that they couldn't react to each other face to face. Too many emotions in a closed space , at once. If anything, a mixture of nervousness and excitement filled every inch of the car. Love, joy, a mixture of pure bliss was evident.

It was setting yourself up for failure. That's what you do when you're in love though. You go for it and just hope someone is there to catch you if you truly fall.

An hour earlier

Patiently he waited, debating on whether or not he should go in or stay in his vehicle. He was putting himself out there, not like he hadn't done so before. Nervously, he licked his lips and ran his hand through his luxurious locs. He removed the keys from the engine and opened the car door. Emerging from the vehicle he stared at the airport. Shaking his head like a fool, he slammed the door shut and locked it before stuffing his keys into his distressed jean pocket. Butterflies began to fill his stomach, a typical feeling he felt when he thought about a particular person.

Right, left. Right, left. His body inched closer and closer to the building. He fiddled with the rings on his right hand as the automatic doors opened. He began to walk over to the escalators and walked up them, to lazy to be glided upstairs. Reaching into his distressed pocket he grabbed his iPhone and looked at the time 2:00  am. Before he could stuff his phone back into his distressed jean pocket a message appeared across his screen.

'Just landed .' A smile came across his face as he took in his surroundings . Before jogging back down the escalators he headed to the bathroom to check his appearance. Sighing, he pushed the door open and walked towards the sinks, where a mirror stood behind. Staring into the mirror, he fiddled with his hair and brushed off his clothing. After taking in a deep breath he smiled and headed towards the exit.

Spotting the amount of emerging travelers , he stood over towards the wall so he could find the figure without blending in and be seen. After a few minutes of glancing around the airport he peeped a small (compared to him) toffee skinned girl looking around. His eyes lit up and his chest began to get heavy as he took in her familiar features. Her thin black her was put up in a messy bun on top of her head, which made her hair look a lot thicker than it actually was and her face no longer held the thick rimmed glasses she always wore. Her eyes were slightly low, almost as if she had just woke up but her concealer and winged liner made it somewhat hard to tell. Her slim thick figure held a semi-loose black hoodie, a pair of leggings , and a pair of dirty white Converse. His brown orbs began to burn through her as he waited for her to take notice.

           The girls eyes roamed around the airport as she bit her lower lip, in search of her ride. Her orbs had taken in every visible inch of the airport and her eyes never caught a glimpse of him. Moving her lips, she unlocked her phone and texted her most recent contact.

'Where are you?'  She typed and pressed the send button. Abruptly his phone vibrated and he chuckled shaking his head and sent the following, 'Look towards the end of the right wall.'

Looking up hastily, she did as told. She looked towards the end of the right wall. As soon as their eyes met her eyes lit up and became watery. In no time her legs were kicking back, charging towards him. Taking in his scent, she wrapped her arms around him tightly and began to sniffle.  Soon after, his arms found themselves drooping over her figure and trying to pull her closer.

This moment was beyond realistic . The two young adults never thought this would happen. Who would've known after years of planning to meet, the two would finally meet on this particular day. The moment was exactly how the two pictured. Neither talked as they embraced each other, it wasn't an awkward silence between them, it was almost normal. Low squeals and laughter emerged from the too within a matter of seconds. On countless ooVoo and FaceTime sessions the two often sat in a long silence which typically turned into a conversation filled with laughter and 'I love you's'.

The girl pulled away, patting the slim guy's back as she did so. Afterwards, she stood back, taking him in. Her lips began to spread, revealing her pearly whites. He stared at her and returned the smile, realizing her eyeliner was slightly smudged but even with smudged eyeliner he thought she was beyond flawless.

End of flashback

"I think I want a burrito." His voice boomed , breaking the silence. The girl beside him giggled and shifted in her sit, knowing of their next stop .

"Then you should get a burrito."

"But like do I really need one?" He smirked , his eyes shifting ever so lightly from the road to glance at her.

"Don't you always really need one?" She questioned, raising her recently done eyebrows.

"Yeah, you're right." He shrugged, accelerating the vehicle ever so lightly causing the car to emerge with laugher.

A/N: This story will not be long at all. Originally, I wanted to make this at at least ten chapters but I highly doubt I'll get there now. However, I will have another chapter out soon. I plan to make each chapter at least 1,000 words or more. Hopefully, you guys enjoy it. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Stay flawless. ~A

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