Chapter 7

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    Clarke looked up from her sketchbook as a familiar voice broke her trance.

"An artist, huh?" Lexa asked with a smirk. Clarke quickly shut the book, stuffing it in her purse. She smiled up at the other girl sheepishly. Lexa raised one eyebrow in response.

"What, are your drawings a secret or something?" she asked with a laugh. Clarke chuckled nervously, glancing about the room before meeting Lexa's gaze again. No, but the fact that I was drawing you is.

"No, I uh-" Clarke stumbled, "It's not finished yet, that's all." Lexa pulled out the chair across from Clarke and sat down with a shrug.

"Whatever you say, Goldilocks" she joked, scanning over the menu absentmindedly. Clarke pretended to cough, covering up the smile that Lexa's nickname provoked. Though Lexa definitely saw the corners of Clarke's mouth twitch upwards behind her hand.

"So," Lexa began, "Do you want to get lunch?" Clarke looked at the girl for a moment, studying her expression. "What?" Lexa asked. Clarke laughed, reaching across the table and plucking the menu from Lexa's small hands. "Nothing, I just had a better idea, if you're up for an adventure" she said with a mischievous grin.

Lexa leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. Her eyes bore into Clarke's, causing the blonde to shift uncomfortably. Lexa let out a sigh. "Okay, try me."

Clarke pulled her car to a screeching stop along the side of the road and pulled the keys out of the ignition. Lexa stared out the window at the thick forest lining both sides of the street. The boughs of the trees loomed overhead, casting dark shadows along the dirt road. She glanced over at Clarke with a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

"Um, Clarke?" She asked, causing Clarke to look up from the purse she was rummaging through. Lexa took another look at the ominous forest, "Where are we, exactly?" Clarke laughed, her chest tightening at the brunette's adorably nervous expression. She looked back down at her purse to hide her smile before meeting Lexa's gaze again.

"Follow me, and you'll find out" Clarke said, placing a reassuring hand atop Lexa's. As she reached with her other hand to push open her door, Lexa tightened her grip on Clarke's hand, stopping her. "Clarke, are you sure we should be here. I mean isn't this private property, or something?" She asked nervously. Clarke shook her head, leaning back over to Lexa and squeezing the girl's hand.

"You're safe, Lexa, trust me" Clarke replied softly. Lexa's gaze flickered from blue eyes to pink lips so quickly Clarke almost didn't notice. Almost. She refocused her eyes with Clarke's, swallowing roughly.

"I do trust you, Clarke" her voice was almost a whisper, but the blonde definitely heard her. Clarke's small smile broke into a grin as she gave Lexa's hand one last pat.

"Good. Then let's go."

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Lexa asked as she walked blindly through the woods, her hand covering her eyes. The pair had been walking for nearly five minutes, and Lexa was growing anxious. Not only did she barely know where she was, she barely knew Clarke. Though I'd love to change that.

Lexa could hear the leaves crunch under her sneakers as they walked. She could feel the slight breeze blowing through the forest. She could smell the dirt, foliage, and an intoxicating hint of flowers, which she figured, hoped even, was Clarke's perfume. She could even feel the branches that occasionally smacked her face. She just couldn't see.

"Almost..." Clarke replied, squeezing the hand she was holding as she guided Lexa through the woods. Lexa felt the confining presence of the trees disappear, and the air seemed lighter, more open, as she took another step. She heard the slight trickling of water and was now very eager to open her eyes.

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