If only

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<pre>If The world was as pretty as the poets made us beleive.

If I wasnt lieing to my self when I say us.

Because I am one of many, but I reside on the other side of the flowery words weaving fantasical worlds.

I strike myself silly, and frolick in the confusion.

--letting the words and thoughts free.

they dance like butterflies in the air, though some are rather dragons in gemstone armour.

I wish the way I saw something wasnt contorted with wishes and thoughts and

how am i to share this with the world?

I lose track and thought and soon the ideas and words are streaming from my hands and tounge.

The dragons circle higher and the gems gleam ever so brighter.

I laugh and spin around to never lose sight but when I blink the dragons and butterflies and dreams and wishes are gone.

My created world, my lovely fabrication of existance is gone.

I want to wilt like the captured flower, forever trying to atain the beauty I once saw.

I try to recreate the world that is just out of reach. I never seem to get it quite right.

though the others say they see what I ment and they follow carefully guided on my attempted trek back through the butterfly fields.

I never can share what I saw. But the very best that I can try seems almost good enough.

but then the dragons whisper in my ear and I want to dream again.

Maybe this time I'll scavenge a butterfly wing and a gem or two.

The poet doth drop the pen and her wings spread, she takes flight again. </pre>

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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