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Laura's POV

"Ross please I don't wanna go, hide me" I exclaimed to my bestfriend.

"I don't wanna let you go Laura, it's too soon. They can't separate us now" Ross said.

I started tearing up. Today is moving day and I'm moving to California, imagine how hard this is on two 13 year old bestfriends who have known eachother since diapers. Yeah, horrible.

"Don't cry Laurie it'll be alright, make sure to never loose contact with me" He said.

"I promise Rossy" I said crying as my mom called me.

I hugged him one last time and that was the last time I ever saw him again.

4 years later

Until today.


Ugh, I fall off my bed to the bathroom. Today's the day that half of the juniors collide with the seniors until the end of the semester.

Why am I so pissed you ask?!

Well, it turns out that there's someone out there who thinks they're more popular than me. No honey, no ones more popular than me.

*             *                *

I get out of my house into my car to ride to school. Before I start the engine I hear one crazy voice I can't ever forget yelling out my name.


The one and only Selena, Selena Gomez.

"Why is you so late?!" I asked her as she got in.

"Don't ask me that, you're late too" Selena said.

"Fair enough" I said as I drove to school.

"Omg I toats love your hair... Ooh AND your outfit" She squealed.

 Ooh AND your outfit" She squealed

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