Chapter 13: RPGs and Mazes!

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything! Except Catherine and Katie.

13: RPGs and Mazes!

"Are you almost done yet?" I asked, bored and irritated.

"I don't know." Leon answered my question for the sixth time. I sat against the pedestal watching Leon flip through the paintings trying to make it so only six men were shown. He's been trying for a while now... I don't think he's gonna get it.

"Can I try?"

"No" apparently Leon wants to prove he's smart enough to solve something simple like this. Or he just doesn't want me to try. Whatever works for him is fine.

I watched the paintings flip around, they were kind of mesmerizing. They just went flip flip flip flip.

"Catherine." I looked up to Leon.


"It's open."

Whaaaaattt? I didn't even notice the flipping had stopped and the wall had slid over.

"About time." I said stretching then standing. Leon rolled his eyes.

"I got it open, does it matter how long it took?"

"Hmmmm" I thought. "I suppose not, let's go!"

Leon opened the door and I gladly followed.

Right into an ambush of lots and lots of Ganado's. I screamed when an arrow flew past my cheek leaving a small cut in its place. I looked to who fired to find several Ganado's coming down stairs on either side if us and even more on the upper level in the corners wielding crossbows.

Leon shot at any Ganado that got to close. "Catherine, go up stairs and take care of those archers!"

"Aye sir!" I yelled and ran for the stairs, I shot at or ducked any Ganado's that tried to grab me. As soon as I started up the stairs the archers scrambled away madly. Cowards.

To be honest I chased them around for a little bit, it was kinda like chasing birds in the park. So I had a little bit of fun with the chasing. I did have to stop though when one of them fired at me and nearly empaled me.

I stared at the one who shot me and pointed my gun at him. I thought about saying something funny or smart but just shrugged and shot his ass till he died.

"Who's next?" I asked looking at the rest. They just silently pointed their cross bows at me.

"Ok..." I said. "All of you then."

Before they could fire at me I shot each one in the head. I wasted a few bullets trying to aim properly but I got the job done in the end.

I was about to tell Leon everything was clear when suddenly a whisk of smoke flew past me. I barely had time to turn and see what it was before there was an explosion and I was thrown over the side of the railing that lined the upper level.

I felt myself hit the hard floor and the wind get knocked out of me. With my hearing blasted to hell and my body unable to move I became a sitting duck as a Ganado leaned over me. He held a mace and brought it up over his head to smash my skull in.

I tried to wheeze out a call for help but my lungs wouldn't allow it. He brought the mace down and I used all of my strength to role to the side, the mace hit where my head used to be and got lodged in the floor.

The Ganado looked at me menacingly but then his head exploded and his body crumbled to the floor. Leon stood where the Ganado used to be.

"Are you trying to die on me?" He asked kneeling next to me and helping me up. His voice sounded distorted and far away.

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