Chapter 6: what wrong?

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Disclaimer: I own nothing! Wish I did though.

Resident Evil 4: Angels with Guns

Chapter 6: What's Wrong?

"Silence complete and utter silence. It's calming, relaxing, and really BORING!" I yelled sitting next to Leon while he was dealing with the merchant. That's all that's been going on ever sense that stupid moment at that stupid shack. SILENCE.

I glanced up at Leon thinking when he would actually talk to me again. There had been so much tension now that all I did was hide behind him and let him handle the Ganado's like Ashley. I shuttered.

"Stupid Ashley." I muttered.

Leon glanced down at me but didn't say anything. I sighed. Stupid Leon.

I couldn't help but think about how Katie would react to how I acted around Leon. I was usually all buddy-buddy with him and probably clingy too. Katie knew everything about me. We've known each other sense preschool. She's knows when I'm lying and I know when there's something wrong with her, like when she's sad or excited and stuff.

If she saw how Leon and I acted before she would probably be all like "OH HELL NO!" and hit Leon with a brick or some shit. Naturally I would jump in the way of said brick and probably start bleeding. There are multiple things that could happen while Katie was around. But I'm sure you want to save that for when we ACTUALLY FIND HER!

Leon cleared his throat and I looked up at him. He was leaving.

"Coming." I mumbled bitterly and followed him up the stairs, up the ladder and outside. I saw were going into the arena thing. El Gigante was waiting for us, with a hunger most likely.

"Uhm...Leon?" I asked nervously. He turned to me with a hard stare. I froze up but shook it off. "I got a really bad feeling about this...could I...?" I was wringing my soaked sweater "...have my gun back?"

Leon didn't say anything for a while before sighing. "No, not yet."

Damn it. It was worth a shot. I looked down slightly depressed but mainly irritated. I could be cute sometime but most of the time really crabby. And Leon was REALLY starting to piss me off.

Leon went on walking without me. I followed slowly and glared at him from behind. I'm an idiot. I will point that out right now.

Leon was so far ahead of me that just as I was walking into the arena-thinga-ma-jig the wooden mesh door closed on me! It nearly hit me in the face so I fell back on the muddy and soggy ground. Leon spun around to see me separated from him.

"Catherine!" He yelled. He took a step towards but spun around to see the other door close. Ganado's came out of the large wooden doors across from him and they dragged El Gigante out. Immediately he went berserk and killed everyone. He tried to stomp Leon but he rolled out of the way.

"Leon!" I yelled reaching my arm threw the wooden pegs hoping I would somehow go threw them.

El Gigante looked at me confused, probably just now realizing I was there. Leon took this moment to unload a clip of bullets into the beast.

The monster payed no attention and kept looking at me. It was really creepy...

Finally El Gigante roared and thundered towards me. I screamed like the little girl that I was and ducked to the side. The wooden mesh collapsed and the beast tripped. I quickly scrambled over his currently laid out body over to Leon.

I tackled hugged him and buried my face into his shirt. You'd be scared shitless too if you almost got barreled over by a 300 hundred pound mass of Plagas.

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