Chapter 22

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Alya was the one to scream, pointing at something behind them, creating Marinette to turn around to see her kwami's image flicker and shimmer like Hawk Moth did before he perished. Marinette had expected Alya to scream because of the shock, not for the little ladybug's body to shiver. She let go of Adrien's hand and cupped them around Tikki who smiled up at her holder. Tikki's spots were blinking like her yo-yo had done when they defeated their enemy. Marinette thought it was some kind of recreation feeling because of how calm Tikki was at the moment. It sent alarms throughout Marinette's head of why her body seemed to wave with the wind, almost threatened to disappear at any second. The crisp night seemed to chill her kwami in her arms, Marinette slowly cupping her fingers towards the wind so she wouldn't get a cold.

"You did it, Marinette. You defeated Hawk Moth." Tikki's soothing voice said as she wobbled inside the enclosure of her hands. She looked weak and struggled to keep a smile on her face. It was hard to watch as Marinette searched her friends body. If she could reach inside Tikki's brain and rack through it to find the answer, because right now, only Tikki knew what was happening. Tikki has been a kwami for thousands of years, so if she disappeared whenever her job was done, then was it happening now? Marinette felt sweat dust her brow as she looked at Tikki with wide eyes.

"That's great but what's happening to you?" Marinette pushed her thumb across the cheek of Tikki, searching for why she was slowly disappearing, even if she already had a gut wrenching idea. If she was right, then Tikki was going to vanish any second. It took Marientte to let the information sink in. She had known that this would happened one day, but today of all days was not the best. It had been so hard to fight everyone, why was Tikki leaving this quick? Her finger seemed to help balance the kwami as she stumbled along the giant hand.

"I have done what I came here for, I am no longer needed." Tikki replied with a smile, her eyes closed. She chuckled to herself and held onto Marinette's thumb that trembled from worry of losing one of her closest friends. Marinette heard those words before feeling a tear make a trail down her face and landing near Tikki as she felt another from the opposite eye.

Tikki was proud of Marinette, she was happy that this girl was chosen as Ladybug. She's said it before, but she thinks this was the best Ladybug so far. There were problems with Volpina (Everyone wanted me to add her in so here you go I ain't writing anymore about here) that questioned heroic aura from Ladybug, but she had realized her mistake and even got the book to the master. Even if she made mistakes, Marinette always worked hard to fix the problem. Marinette had proven to everyone that anyone could be a superhero, even a normal schoolgirl could bring justice to her city.

"What are you talking about? I need you here!" Marinette once again felt hot tears stream down her face. Tikki just nodded her head and squeezed Marinette's thumb with both of her hands. It was almost like a hug but smaller. Marinette stood there, her dress ruined, friends beat up, and her kwami slowly disappearing in her hands. This was not fair, how had everything turned to the bright side of things, then focus back on the dark side. There had to be some way to fix this. Tikki wasn't really going to be gone, she'd be back. Marinette just didn't know when and how long it would take for another Ladybug to arise. Whenever that happened, Marinette would no longer be able to see Tikki anyways. The new Ladybug wouldn't be awakened for years, and Marinette wouldn't still be around to see it.

Plagg, when he reverted Adrien as well, started to reveal his pixalated self wash over to his friend. They shared a quick hug in Marinette's hand before looking to their previous owners. They smiled upwards and took the others hand. Both of the kwami's turned around and seemed to walk further towards the edge of Marientte's hand. It was a short moment before their bodies shriveled together and disintegrated into various gems that bounced off one another. Marinette left her cupped, holding position and grasped at the jewels provoking her feelings in front of her. She felt around the air to grab anything that she could hold on to. All the fragments went straight through her hands and flew away from her touch. The sparkles reached up to the midnight chill and glittered to a stop when it touched the moonlight.

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