Chapter 18

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"Yes, my," the person paused, "lady..." Chat's voice was unsure. It was a deeper sounding echo that misplaced his normal, chirpy sound. Ladybug got it though, she knew he must be worried or upset about the situation they faced just now. Who wouldn't be nervous about saving the world?

"Chat? Oh thank god. I thought I was alone." Ladybug walked over to her partner and placed a warm hand on his shoulder. He flinched slightly at her touch and recomposed himself while walking away from the fairy holder. Chat inspected the wall, crasading a visible representation of awkwardness. His shoulders slumped more than usual and would occasional twitch for some reason. The black cat wasn't himself, but Ladybug guesses since she said the "L" word he would be a bit hurt around her. Somehow those motions sent daggers into her heart as if he truly didn't love her anymore.

"Hey, uh, Chat-" Ladybug was cut off by said cats' hand lunging its way at Ladybug.

"Ladybug..." He whispered in her ear, hands gripped around her petite waist, not in a loving way but as in if he thought she would run away from his grasp. She twisted around in his grip, her arms smashed to her waist by Chat's hands.

He pulled back, his eyes a glowing wreck. Those weren't Chat's eyes. Those glowing orbs were penetrating her feelings and smashing them to the ground. Those could rip apart a city like Hawk Moth in a second. She could see those eyes were filled with hatred and worry; sadness and defeat; putrid and disgust.

Chat Noir started his way to Ladybug, his dress shoes scuffing across the floor and kicking up dirt along the crumbled floor.

"W-Who are you?" Ladybug felt her arm move towards her yo-yo, only to find her alleged weapon to be missing. Her hand felt around her waist for anything not fabric only to find her smooth stitching.

Her feline friend gave a toothy grin and danced the yo-yo between his fingers. Chat tossed aside the spiral and turned back to his passenger and smirked.

"You're not my partner." Ladybug was soon close to the cavern wall, stumbling backwards with, once again, no attacking item. She was stuck in the same position she was with Hawk Moth. Whoever this imposture was, he wasn't to smart to reveal himself that early. Ladybug now knows he's not the real one; that should be enough to figure out who he is. The impersonator was obviously at a height advantage because of Chat being taller then her in the real world. Maybe this could be an akumatized Chat? Some how Hawk Moth could have got him when she was hit.

Her thoughts were snapped when a hand found her wrist, twisting it so it banged against the wall.

"What are you thinking about?" Chat's face inched forward to her's. She was screaming at herself that this guy wasn't the Chat she knew. He had to be some clone of Hawk Moth's new butterfly attacks.


"Ruggedly handsome? I get that a lot." Rion's flirt held a fake smirk that didn't match the original Chat's face.


"You don't deserve me? I get that a lot too." Ladybug's lips pursed as she processed what he said. She doesn't deserve him? Marinette knows Adrien is what everyone talks about but he said that he, once, loved her. They did have a fight, but it was soon resolved, she thinks.

During those long seconds of segueing with her mind, Chat's fake smirk returned to his handsome face. Ladybug shook her head and reminded herself that this was not the real person.

"You can't-"

"-can't love you? Perhaps." Another drop of water could be heard running along the walls. It was silent between their conversation.

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