Chapter 14

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Marinette snorted as she woke up with a jolt, knocking her book on top of a sleeping Alya who had passed out on the floor. It was Monday morning, ten a.m, with the sun peeking through the window blinds. The girl checked her phone to find it blank, no good morning texts from Adrien. Her friend awoke with the book laying on her head, open so the pages were on either side of her frame. She let out a yawn and patted down the now messy hair, finding the book, and setting it on the counter beside the computer. She stretched her arms above her head and looked at the weak girl scrolling through her phone.

"You need to get over that dumb boy. He's not worth you fussing over him." Alya patted her back as she sighed a response. Marinette nodded and put her phone face down on the table. She smiled up at Alya and took the book in her hands.

"Now the fun part." Marinette grabbed her neetle and thread, finding the material stashed under her bed for special occasions and threw all the items on her desk. Alya watched in amazement as needles threaded along the fabric. Pink weaved around the manikin and flooded a lighter pink then the room itself. A darker sash tightened around the material and let the dress rumple outwards so that the smooth material gave height on her knees. Marinette gently took the needle and twined little designs into her dress, the swirls from the waist reached form the top of her dress and faded out. The darker designs flowed from the waist to her thigh length and disappeared, leaving the bottom a plain pink.

Alya's dress was laced into a beautiful dark purple with a glittering top that sparkled with plastic gems which reflected a rainbow of colors when hit with light. The sash was an even darker purple that could be closer to black then a purple. Unlike Marinette's dress, Alya's dress was heel length. The satin was smooth and shimmered with the light touching the gown. It was everything the girls imagined for this day, except for the date part.

By the time Marinette had finished both dresses it was five in the afternoon, only leaving three hourse before the dance. Being two people at once was going to be hard for Marinette, but she had this gut feeling that didn't make sense to her just yet. Ladybug was supposidly supposed to be on potral that night anways, her and Chat had already agreed on that before they knew when their school dance was. It wasn't that big of a deal, with Ladybug here kids will be to busy focusing on her they won't even miss Marinette.

Alya chucked a soda can at Marinette which she caught just in time before it hit her face. She thanked her friend before cracking the top and taking a sip of the bubbly beverage. Marinette didn't like drinking to much soda due to its high sugar levels, but right now she really just needed something to ease her mind. With the Ladybug plan she had to stay focused and sharp on what was going to happen at any given moment. Last year had been a disaster, ending with homecoming going up in flames, literally, due to a supervillian that liked the idea of riots with fire. Harsh, concidering the boy just got rejected to the dance rather then losing a job or something.

"You thinking about Adrien?" Marinette snapped her head towards the ombre haired girl and gave a small glare, not really a glare because of Marinette's baby-like face. "Oh, right..." She backed up and went over to the drawers.

"I'm sorry, Alya. I just don't really want to talk about him." Marinette mumbled, hopeing her friend would catch that. The cohort chuckled and grabbed a palet of different colored makeup Marinette had tucked away so Manon wouldn't find her belongings. Alya forgave easily and rushed Marinette to the bathroom with her, taking the makeup and assortments of jewerly. She pushed the lurid haired girl in a tiny chair with paded down cushions so it was more comfortable.

"Forget boys, you just need to worry about youself girl." Alya reassued Marinette as she took out a scale of different shades for her eyes and lips. Neither wore makeup reagularly, but this night was going to be remembered, seeing as it was their first Prom. Alya was right, Marinette didn't need Adrien to be happy, sure it was nice to walk by the guy she's loved for years, but nothing will compare hanging out with her best friend. Nino and Alya understood what she was going through, Nino giving Adrien a scolding for breaking the heart of his date's best friend. It didn't last long, Adrien had shurgged it off, locking himself in his room for hours to come.

"I'm thinking something light for that light pink dress of yours." Alya circled Marinette, pacing back and forth around the back of the chair to glance at her reflection.

Marinette simply nodded and let Alya proceed with the designs she called makeup; blending, brushing, and flushing. She started with taking a chaise of eye shadow, cocking her head to the side to examine how she should apply this. Marinette's face was already smooth as a babies so she didn't need concelear. All the half asian girl needed was a hint of eye makeup and small touches to her lips.

The brush collided with Marinette's eyelids as she fluttered them shut and felt the luminous brush scrap gradulaly across the lid. Alya had choosen a skin color base color which she topped off with a light pink that twinkled in the bathroom lights. Alya moved her hand to find a tube of mascara to exploit small touched to Marinette's already long eyelashes. She gave bliss encouragements to Marinette, cooeing over her beauty. The girl had giggled from time to time as Alya finished her rose lips, beconing light to shimmer off them and gloss in the lucent.

Alya backed up and admired her work; light and pink dazzled along Marinette. She was even more beautiful then she's ever been. Alya nodded as Marinette blinked her eyes a few time, not expecting to see herself like that. Her eyes were a light shade of pink with a skin color eyeline along the crease of her eye. The eyes that captures the color teal had eyelashes longer than before and didn't smear when she blinked a few more times to gawk at her lips which flowed with the sea, a salmon color matching her eyes perfectly.

"Alya..."Marinette breathed. "Thank you." She got up to hug her friend which lept into her arms as well.

The two girls rummaged around for jewelry, Marinette refusing to take off her earrings and eventually settled for a hair piece and silver necklace.

Alya's turn for makeup didn't take long, seeing as Alya planned hers out before hand. She let Marinette brush small details of purple across her dark pre-makeup. The color made her eyes pop which concluded with a shade of a polar of pink and red color cascaded over her lips. It wasn't before 6:30 when they both finished with multiple accessories. Alya picked up a shinning bracelet with matching earrings and a similar necklace to Marinette's.

Marinette ran her fingers along the smooth material, examining her work. Her comrade came up behind her and looked at the dress too. The materialist always seemed to impress her friend, no matter how many times she saw it. Alya reached from behind and grabbed the outfit beside hers. The girls giggled in harmony before rushing to the bathroom and stripping their clothes to pull on their attire for Prom.

Alya was the first down the stairs, earning 'ooh''s and 'ahh''s from Marinette's parents. Alya's family was sitting at a counter nearby, and when they saw their daughter, all of Alya's siblings jumped for joy. She was stunning; the dress held her body perfectly and her makeup made her seem more mature. Her heels matched the gems on her torso, being about three inches high. Alya's hair was curled so she had ringlets tumbling over her left shoulder, pinned there by bobby pins.

Marinette was the second down, jumping down each step like a child would. Her dress hugged her hips and ruffled out at the ends. Her heels were the same as Alya's only being about two inches because she couldn't even walk in flats at some times. Marinette's hair was curled in ringlets as well but pulled back by the dazzling hair piece she placed in the back.

It wasn't long before all parents were taking pictures and tearing up. Their little babies were growing up.

Soon the doorbell rang as Marinette posed for another picture. Alya's mother rushed over to the door and opened gladly, a phone in hand. She smiled when she saw the red cap top the boys head, and let Nino in gladly. Nino thanked her and dropped his jaw when he saw Alya. She was gorgeous, all of her. He stumbled over to her and muttered a few compliments, trying to put actual sentences into place.

Marinette was confused when Alya's mother still hasn't shut the door, offering to let someone in. She nearly fainted when Adrien walked in, a corsage in hand and a blush on his face.

Picture is what Marinette and Adrien are wearing to the dance.

So sorry my muchachos. I have had a really hard week and I'm trying to update as fast as I can.

If some have you already figured out, my book is coming to an end. *cry*

But donut worry( I made a pun about donuts) I promise the ending gets better.

And also, Hahahah another cliff hanger for you.

Love yous guys


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