Chapter 9

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So I'm like crying right now because I had half this chapter done and I accidentally deleted it....I HAD TO REWRITE EVERYTHING

But I has question.

Would you guys want me to write a one-shot book? It looks fun. Tell me if I should.

Marinette gripped her purse string tightly as she faced the looming school. Last night, she admits, was one of the best nights of her life. If she was completely honest she's been wanting to know Chat's identity for awhile. After Marinette started to develop a tiny crush on him, she's been submerged into curiosity and now that she knows she doesn't know what to do.

Adrien had left around 11:30 that night, leaving Marinette to pass out to have enough hours of sleep for school. Now she stood alone, anticipation waiting to consume her. Her and Adrien aren't  together neither are Chat and Ladybug. The partners sort of agreed to be together but not; if that made any sense. Marinette didn't want to rush things and Adrien respected that. So, it was sort of like where they kept it a secret but not really because they couldn't go on dates because if someone saw them they would appear to be dating. It was way to complicated but basically they could be "dating" but only in Marinette's room. Besides, if the shyest girl started dating the coolest guy and all of a sudden Ladybug and Chat Noir started dating, it could grow suspicion.

Blonde hair flooded her eyes as Adrien ran right past her, without a word. Marinette stood, hands at her side, and face puzzled. Did last night mean anything to him? Does he want to go back to their normal behavior?

Alya rushed past her, grabbing her arm and pulling her down the hall. Marinette was to deep in thought to even notice the teacher coming towards her to tell her she was going to be late. She was glad Alya grabbed her but running past people isn't exactly the best place to think.

Both friends made it on time, right before the teacher walked in. Marinette plopped down next to Alya and sighed. Adrien still hasn't even talked to her; no talking, no looking, and no interaction what so ever.

Marinette glared at the back of his head, how can he act so causal about this? Maybe he's embarrassed Marinette is Ladybug. That'd explain why he hasn't looked at her at all. Not that she cared, it was his choice. If he didn't like who she really was he can go be with Chloe for all that Marinette cares.

Marinette cured under we breathe. She pleaded for her mind to take back the Chloe part.

Alya glanced over at Marinette and looked back to her work, doing a double take to see if she saw this correctly. Marinette was glaring at Adrien.

"Uh, girl?" Alya cupped half her face with her hand and whispered to Marinette. "Your kind of glaring at Adrien."

"Yeah, I know." Marinette said, eyes still glued to the boy.


"I'll tell you later." Marinette said through crushed teeth.


"Lunch time. I expect all of you to be back here by one." The instructor said while stacking a few papers on the desk. She waved to us and watched as everyone filed out.

Alya tailed Marinette in persistence to get her to open up about Adrien. Marinette couldn't say anything to detailed, the whole thing was because he saw her transform so if she spills to her she has to come up with a believable story.

"So, tell me now." Alya stopped in front of Marinette with her arms out.

Marinette sighs and replies with a, "you want to come over for lunch?"

Reveal? LadyNoirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora