Chapter 21

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Her lips moved again as she tried to collect enough energy to continue. "Right there where you left it, lying upside down." Ladybug smiled a quirky smile to her partner in crime and let out a giggle when he blushed at their closeness, her breathe tickling his nose.

Chat harmonized with her feeling a new found rush of energy to be next to her and sing this silly song his mother taught him, "When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded." They both sang at a higher rate then before, grabbing the attention of the people in the room. The pair shed small tears whisking away down their faces. The splashes on the cement underneath them both sent surprise around the room. Ladybug found enough strength and winced her way up to her feet, bringing along Chat who both leaned on the other. She had her arm around his neck while Chat held onto her waist.

Hawk Moth glared and made an annoying sound with his mouth, causing the bugs to fly at the couple."How are you doing that?" He muttered under his breathe.

"The underside is lighter, when you turn it around." When those words escaped both heroes mouths the bugs fell against a barrier around the two, bouncing off their shield that was made of nothing but light around them. The two stared at each other and fell forward, their foreheads touching. The red and black light swirled around the two as they chided the last line,

"Everything stays."

A loud earthquake blasted off of the pair and sent gust winds to Hawk Moth, who almost fell off his throne of butterflies. The light slowly dimmed as it revealed Paris's superheros in new outfits.

"Marinette, your doing it! Your doing a legendary technique." Tikki's voice could be heard from somewhere in Marinette's mind.

Chat's tux was a darker black hung over a black undershirt as well. His mask had tinges of green along the edges, same with the outline of his dress top. His ears were the same with slicked back hair and fancy, dark, dress pants with black shoes. Chat's bell hung closer to his neck, but not in his normal position. His hand was surrounded by his Ladybug who raveled at her new outfit on the inside, not wanting to look excited in the middle of the battlefield about a new dress.

Ladybug's outfit was completely different from her elegant one before. It was a short black dress with three, big ruffles toppled on each other at the hem. A piece attached a longer skirt that flowed out behind her, dotted with dark spots and a red outline. There was a tear in this piece as well, but instead, the dress showed a wrinkled, red undershirt that was showing in a 'V' formation. Her arms found a stash in the crook of her elbow, wrapping around her body, decorated with her ladybug design. Ladybug was happy to see her familiar pigtails bounce up and down as she smirked to the civilian across from there.

Her hand withdrew from her love's hand as she took a set outside the glowing bubble that formed around them. "Hawk Moth, every human walks around with a certain sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep. You harness those feelings for your own use. For that, I must purge that evil" Her heels clicked against the cobblestone underneath her.

"However, I wanted to say that even though you chose this path and don't seem like you're really hurt, I can see that you'e struggling with your own feelings. I know it's hard to defeat sadness but there's always a way. Please." Ladybug held her hand up to the man as he found tears, for the first time in a long time, running down his face. He looked over at Chat Noir and gripped his hands together. He composed himself and grit his teeth. This new feeling he was experiencing was not for himself, but for his own kwami. He was scared, and that was different for the villain, with that fear he pushed aside those of hope and joy he may overcome his evil doings.

"Never, I decided i'll be like this, so i'll continue to stay on my own side." Hawk Moth yelled against the tears now fully flowing down his face. He ordered a fleet of akumas at the girl and continued to bite back his own anger and deviance.

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