"You remembered all of that?" He asks, mouth gaping a little in sureprise.

I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well yah. If it's important I remember it so technically I remember most things because you never know when something will be important. However, I can't remember everything. You'de have to have an phtographic or eidetic memory for that" I shrug, only to realise that I'd bern blabbering.

He just continued to look at me, completely astonished.

"Right, well. Is that all you can remember?" he asks getting out of his shock a little.

I look at him deep in thought before gasping and clapping my hands like a retarted seal amd snapping my fingers.

Let's not judge, okay? We've all done it.

It was almost there but I couldn't grab it.

"Oh wait. Wait! Um...it's almost there!" I say as I squeeze my eyes shut trying to remember.

"Yes! That's it! You're my protector! Becky said that with Empathines comes power, and with power comes danger so it's only natural that they have a protector" I chirp.

He looks at me, yet again, in astonishment.

He quikly shakes his head sanpling out of it.

"Right, okay! That's great! So you remember everything from the office. There's not much I can tell you then since Empathine's have evolved over the years and we don't really know anything new since we read from an old book written centuries ago. We'll just have to wait and see whether you have other powers I guess. As for the Protector thing... yes, I am your Protector which means that I'd do anything to protect you. " he explains.

"It's like I'm your bodyguard, let's say. My job is basically to protect you from anything bad. Protectors are most commonly a sibling so you'd have a close bond with them anyway and a closer bond with the fact that they're your Protector, making the feeling of protecting their Empathine stronger. If the Protector isn't a sibling, it just means the bond isn't as close but will slowly develop to being as close as a sibling and Protector bond over the years."

I nod my head in understanding.

"What if you're an Empathine and your Protector is someone else and you never meet them?" I ask.

"That won't happen. You see, even if they weren't your sinling and they were someone else on the other side of the Earth, you'd still meet them one way or another no mayter what. It's impossible to not meet your Protector."

"So you're saying that no matter what, you guys will meet?"

He nods.

"What if one of you die?"

"If the Empathine dies before meeting the Protector the Protector will still be a Protector but imstead to the person who will replace the Empathine that died. So, the Protector will have to wait another 10 years before meeting the Empathine they'd have to protect. Where as, if the Protector died before meeting the Empathine they were supposed to protect, another Protector will be asigned for them."

"What if the Protector's human? What then?"

"The Protector will never be human. It will alsways be a werewolf no matter what."

"Oh" I say, not really having anything else to ask about the Protector thing, so instead I direct my questions to something else.

"So you're a werewolf?" I ask, making myself more comfortable on the bed by lying down on it.

Jason crawls over to the other sode of me from his sitting position and also lays down on the bed beside me.

"Yes. I'm a werewolf" he deadpans as if telling me the weather.

"Care to explain?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Nah, I'm good" he says closing his eyes with a small smile on his face.

I hit his chest but it doesn't effect him.

"Jason!" I whine like a child.

He chuckles at my childish behaviour.

"I'll explain later. Right now, I wanna sleep. I've been up all night worrying about you" he explains, eyes still closed.

As soon as he said those words my eyes automatically surveyed his face.

You could see that there are dark bags under his eyes and frown lines around his mouth, telling me he had been frowning a lot, and now that I think about it I remember seeing that Jason's (now closed eyes) were red and watery.

Guilt immediately envelopes me.

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry! Sleep all you want!" I rush out.

"Don't apologise. It wasn't your fault" he chuckles.


"Shhhhh" he says pulling up the blanket, using it to cover himself before covering me.


And with that last word I close my eyes and drift off.
How was it?

If you have any questions about the Empathine and Protector thing just comment.

Or if you have any questions on the Empathine thing in general, just comment too.

As for the werewolf part, I'll explain that in one of the upcoming chapters.

Hope you guys enjoyed!




Jamilah1125 xx

My Obsessive Stalker (werewolf story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang