Wedding Bells (Pt 2)

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Part one was your wedding, btw. Wendy's dress is in the photo.

"Please stop crying Juvia!" Wendy panicked. Juvia was so happy for our little cinnamon roll she suddenly burst into tears.

"Common! We have to get you and Erza ready, don't worry about us Wendy!" You pushed her along into the dressing room so she could get into her dress.

Erza was the maid-of-honor since she convinced Wendy to join Fairy Tail in the first place... Way before you even joined.

Wendy was so excited for this day, and because you all were there for her... But you're pretty sure she was happy she could fill in the chest portion of her dress.

"Okay! Girls, it's almost ti-" Storm popped his head in and suddenly all of you remembered you weren't quite dressed yet.

Everyone froze, except for Juvia. "Storm! Get out! Knock before you enter!" She was steaming with embarrassment.

He left without another word.

Quickly you dressed yourselves and made sure Wendy's dress wasn't messed up. It was a white lace with almost-off-the-shoulder sleeves that reach her wrists. Her veil is lined with lace as well, and the skirt creates a short train behind her.

"Wow Wendy... You look... Absolutely beautiful." Levy grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

"As every bride should." Erza folded her hands infront of her. Her dress was the same as the other brides-maids but Wendy let her add some armor accessories to differentiate her from the rest of you.

"Okay, it's time to go," Lisanna smiled and held Lucy's hand so she could walk.

"Yeah... Don't forget, Morgan will be going out before you." You winked at Wendy and watched her gasp at this new surprise.

Some time ago, the boys had moved her grave to Tenrou so now we can see her, the same way as Mavis.

You all got into place and as soon as the music cued, Erza, then Juvia and Levy, Lucy and Lisanna, then finally you and Mira who has kept quiet in order not to burst into tears like Juvia.

Everyone turned around to see you all, smiling at your obvious beauty. Once you all got on the altar and moved back to give some room, Nash came out.

Romeo made him the ring bearer because Natsu was Romeo's idol when he was really young, so Nash was like his nephew.

Then Morgan came out, she had a basket of blue-bells on her arm and with the other, she spread them out along the isle. But because only Fairy Tail could see her, Chelia too was a flower girl and spread out the same flours.

When the beautiful girls stood infront of Erza, Wendy entered, looking so elegant. She moved to the music and you glance at Romeo, who's jaw was totally unhinged.

You signaled Nash and he looked up at Romeo and closed his mouth for him, chuckling at the same time.

Wendy finally reached the isle, she linked hands with Romeo. This time, Mavis was the 'priest' because Makorov was in too much emotion to say things clearly.

"Friends, family," Mavis began. "We are gathered here today to join these precious children." She grinned at them.

"Mavis..." Wendy blushed.

"If anyone has any objections, speak now or hold your peace." Mavis announced and the eyes of every guild invited— Sabertooth, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Quarto Puppy, and the Exceeds— peered around the room, ready to kill whomever might object.

"Now, we're doing something special and skipping the vows because Romeo said he might cry if Wendy said anything, so we'll just do the rings." Mavis nodded to Nash to bring them up.

Romeo slipped a ring onto Wendy's finger, and Wendy his.

"Then by the power vested in me by... Well, Fairy Tail," Mavis took a deep breath. "I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride!"

You nodded to the crowd to indicate that she said it and Romeo and Wendy finally kissed and everyone erupted into cheers.

That was Cana and Bacus's cue to release the corks on barrels of alcohol, which streamed into a rainbow shape above the newly-weds and they ran down the isle.

A/N: Yayyy!!!!!!

Wendy: I'm married now!

Romeo: Ya!

Natsu: So cute

Luna: I almost cried!

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