You Try, But Fail

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Alithea asked the question. You knew it was risky to mention that they aren't the same age, but you thought she would think nothing of it.
"Mama? Papa? Are you alright? Why is everyone looking like that?" Alithea looked at all of your friend's faces.

Words wouldn't escape your lips. Not even the older children knew what was going on. Rouge stepped in and dodged the question. "C'mon Chey, we have to go. Sting." He nodded to his buddy, and snapped him out of it. Sting ushered your children out of the guild, and the minute the doors closed you broke down.

"I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the time gap!" You sobbed into your hands as Lucy and Juvia went to comfort her.

"Dad, what's she talking about? How come you guys dodged the question?" Nash looked at his father, who only looked down.

Mavis stood up and began to speak. "There is a prophecy, that the third child of the Angel of Fairies will bring doom to Fairy Tail. The second generation may not survive, but the first generation will be the only one to stop her." She said with sorrow in her voice.

"W-what?! Thea's gonna kill us?!" Sylvia gasped in horror.

"No! No!" You protested. "Only if she learns a second magic, then it'll happen." You wiped away your tears.

"But she's at Sabertooth. They love her." Cana states causing panic in everyone.

There was no holding back. "Fuck!" You shot up from your seat. "We can't let her learn another magic!" You transformed into your angel soul and flew out of the guild with your friends on your heels.


You burst though the Sabertooth doors immediately seeing Thea learning Minerva's magic.

"NO!" You screamed and pulled her away from Minerva, causing confusion in the guild.

"_________? What's going on are you okay?" Minerva asked you. Over the years you had become friends, so she was genially concerned for you.

"Where's Sting?" You looked around not seeing your husband anywhere. Then you saw him come down the guild stairs and he frozen when he saw your face.

"You knew what would happen! You knew she's influential! But you left her and here she is! It's started, and now because of you, they're all gonna die!" You pointed to the other children with tears streaming down your face.

"What? Mama what are you talking about?" Alithea looked up at you. Kneeling down beside her, you wiped away your tears.

"Thea... You're going to kill Fairy Tail."

A/N: Woooooop I'm done

Morgan: Wow... Gruesome

A/N: I know. I gotta go do stuffs so buyyeeeee

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